Cornucopia for your Wishes and Success!
Cornucopia for your Wishes and Success!
Dr. Hannes Mayer, Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, Yogateacher, Child of Nature, Villach, Austria
But the insight into yoga practice, that he has given to me, is still overwhelming. He gave me this seed of knowledge and now I can watch it grow in my daily practice. Although his kind of teaching is somehow different from the western style of yoga teaching, I have learned in my 200h teacher training here in Austria, I can totally integrate his approach into my classes and even more in my personal exercises.
Testimonial Dr. Neel Kulkarni- Adhiyoga System A few months ago, I have read a book about AcroYoga written by a well known AcroYoga- Teacher- School from Barcelona. In the first chapter of this book the Yoga- Philosophy is described in a simple and clear way, like I have never read before. And in this chapter I read about Dr. Neel Kulkarni, their friend and teacher, who is said to have written a book in Sutra-form for today’s Yoga practitioners. So i got very curious about this person and the book he has written. I contacted him, because I wanted to know more about his teachings and his approaches in yoga- philosophy. After a while he wrote me, that he would be interested to come to Austria and teach me… First I couldn’t believe it, but his appearance in my house came true. We spent four weeks of intense training in yoga- philosophy and asana practice, which wasn’t easy sometimes as a husband and father of 3 kids. But the insight into yoga practice, that he has given to me, is still overwhelming. He gave me this seed of knowledge and now I can watch it grow in my daily practice. Although his kind of teaching is somehow different from the western style of yoga teaching, I have learned in my 200h teacher training here in Austria, I can totally integrate his approach into my classes and even more in my personal exercises. The point system in the Asana- practice, the guidance to meditation, the theory of philosophy became more and more accessible to me in my daily practice. We have agreed that I translate a part of his AdhiYoga- Sutras- Book and do the final correction of the German translation, which I finalized just a few days ago, and that I will do another translation of his book „Patanjali Code“. During translating his sutras, so much wisdom has been revealed, from which I can draw in my life. The union of classical Yoga and the approaches for nowadays people show his knowledge from the years of studying and still being opened to todays living conditions. And last but not least, his selfless and friendly way of dealing with me as a student is exemplary. Now it is important for me to integrate, what I have learned, over the next few months and I am already looking forward to further knowledge in my practice. I'm not the type of person to move superficially and quickly from one topic to the next, so I need some time and the right living conditions to be able to devote myself to the deeper yoga practices. I'm sure in every life there is a point in time when everything happens naturally and you don't have to force yourself to do something just to meet your own expectations and those of others. I'm already looking forward to this opportunity to develop myself further… Thank you Neel
Stefania Cavallaro, Italy
His own methodology to teach Asanas and way to reach the perfection of the poses has made revolutionary changes in my approach to Yoga, not only in my daily practice but also in the teaching techniques.
Ho conosciuto il prof Neel Kulkarni 5 anni fa in Italia, quando ho avuto il piacere e l’onore di aiutarlo nella traduzione dall’inglese all’italiano nel corso di un workshop di Yoga. Sono rimasta subito molto colpita dalla sua profonda conoscenza dello Yoga e della filosofia, nonché dal suo modo semplice di spiegare concetti anche molto complessi per renderli comprensibili a tutti.
In quell’occasione aveva voluto regalarmi simbolicamente il suo materassino Yoga che, da allora, è diventato un assiduo compagno del mio allenamento.
A quel tempo praticavo Yoga già da qualche anno ma sentivo il desiderio di approfondire ulteriormente la mia pratica nonché la conoscenza filosofica che ne sta alla base. Come sempre succede, la sincronicita’ dell’universo ha colpito anche allora e proprio mentre questo desiderio prendeva forma dentro di me, mi è stato “inviato” questo grande maestro.
Con lui ho studiato 5 anni arrivando ad approfondire la parte teorica e filosofica, anche tramite incontri online, per poi proseguire con la parte pratica in presenza conseguendo la certificazione 500 ore come Insegnante Yoga.
Durante i miei studi, abbiamo approfondito molti argomento sia dal punto di vista teorico che pratico, a partire dallo studio delle origini e della storia della filosofia indiana, del sistema filosofico Samkya nonché dei principali testi di riferimento, in particolare Hatha Yoga Pradipika e Patanjali Yoga Sutra (anche attraverso il Patanjali Code, rivisitazione e riorganizzazione dei sutra originali a cura del prof Neel che li ha resi profondamente comprensibili e accessibili). Inoltre, sono stati trattati temi quali l’origine storica e le tecniche di Pranayama e meditazione, Terapia Yoga, mantra e canto, alimentazione, tecniche di insegnamento e approfondimento di alcune Asana di livello avanzato che mi interessavano particolarmente.
Durante i miei studi, il prof Neel si è dedicato completamente al mio training adattando le tempistiche alle mie necessità lavorative. Si è dimostrato estremamente disponibile nell’insegnare e nel rispondere a qualsiasi mia domanda o richiesta, nel fornire una metodologia semplice per l’insegnamento e nel rendere comprensibile la conoscenza filosofica.
Il suo metodo di insegnamento nell’apprendimento e nel perfezionamento delle Asana ha apportato cambiamenti rivoluzionari nel mio approccio allo Yoga, non solo nella mia routine quotidiana ma anche nelle tecniche di insegnamento. Oltre a ciò, ho avuto modo di conoscerlo meglio come persona e apprezzare le sue molteplici qualità. Il prof Neel è sempre pronto ad ascoltare e aiutare gli altri, fornendo consigli e idee, nonché a ridere in compagnia e condividere le proprie esperienze.
Mi sento estremamente fortunata ad averlo conosciuto e ad averlo avuto come insegnante. La passione per quello che fa e per la conoscenza sono stati per me grande stimolo ed esempio. Il suo impegno a livello internazionale per condividere il suo metodo e questa preziosa conoscenza altrimenti inaccessibile sono davvero encomiabili.
I have met prof Neel Kulkarni 5 years ago, when I had the honour to help him translating a lecture from English to Italian during a Yoga workshop. In that occasion, I’ve been impressed by his deep knowledge about Yoga and philosophy and also by his simple way to teach complex concepts to make them accessible to everyone. To thank me for my help during that workshop, he has given me his Yoga mat as a symbolic present, which I have appreciated very much. From that moment on, that Yoga mat became my precious companion in my daily routine.
At that time, I was practicing Yoga since a few years but I was feeling the will to go deeper with my practice and my philosophical studies. As always happens, the universe synchronism has come into play again and as soon as this will was formed in my mind it “sent” this great master to me.
During my five years of studying with him, I’ve deepened my knowledge about Yoga theory and philosophy, even with online classes, followed by practical classes on presence which has lead me to obtain a Yoga Teacher Training 500 hours certification.
During this time, many different topics have been treated, both from theory and practice point of view, starting from origin and history of Indian philosophy, Samkya system, as well as the most important philosophical texts, such as Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Patanjali Yoga Sutra (thanks to the help of Patanjali Code, a revisitation and reorganisation of original sutras by prof Neel who made them clearly understandable and accessible to everyone). Beside this, many other topics have been taught, including origin and techniques of Pranayama and meditation, Yoga therapy, mantras and chanting, nutrition, teaching rules and techniques, as well as some advanced Asanas which interested me in a particular way.
In all this time, Prof Neel has totally dedicated his time to me adapting class schedule to my working needs. He was extremely available in teaching everything I may ask, providing a simple and very useful method to learn poses and teaching techniques.
His own methodology to teach Asanas and the way to reach perfection of the poses has brought revolutionary changes in my approach to Yoga, not only in my daily practice but also in the teaching techniques.
At the same time, I had the chance to better know him as a person. He is always ready to listen and help others, providing ideas and advices, share his experiences and have fun with anyone at the same time. I feel very lucky to have meet him and to have had him as teacher. His passion for Yoga knowledge and for what he is doing have been a great stimulus and an example for me. All the work he is been doing worldwide plus his will to share his deep knowledge to anyone interested in Yoga field are really impressive.
Marie Grunewald, Holistic Practitioner and Social Media Expert, France
Embarking on the 200-hour yoga teacher training with Dr. Neel Kulkarni was a deeply transformative and rewarding journey that has profoundly impacted my yoga practice and teaching philosophy. Dr. Neel's innovative Adhiyoga system—a holistic integration of Classical Yoga, modern Health Science, Psychology, the Arts, and more—provided a robust and comprehensive framework that enriched my understanding of yoga beyond the physical postures.
The journey began with online theoretical classes every morning. He assigned meaningful homework that challenged me to engage deeply with the material, ensuring I grasped the concepts thoroughly. His book, "Adhiyoga System," became an indispensable guide, offering insights into Yoga Philosophy, Meditation, Yoga Exercises, Breathing Exercises, Chanting, Therapy, Teaching Methodologies, and various practices. It was a vital resource that expanded my perspective on yoga and its multifaceted applications.
Transitioning to the practical phase in India, Dr. Neel's expertise in teaching both the subtleties of yoga postures and the nuances of effective instruction was exceptional. He provided opportunities for me to teach diverse groups, including university students, children, and ashram visitors, which were invaluable for developing my adaptability and confidence as a teacher.
I loved how Dr. Neel encouraged me to innovate rather than imitate, empowering me to design poses and sequences that are accessible and beneficial for everyone. This approach has been instrumental in my growth as a yoga instructor.
Dr. Neel's extensive knowledge and experience are remarkable, making learning from him a unique and precious opportunity. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to learn from him on a one-on-one basis. It allowed for a depth of learning and personal growth that would have been unattainable in a group setting. Dr. Neel Kulkarni's yoga teacher training is not merely an educational experience; it is a transformative journey that equips you with the knowledge, skills, and inspiration to share the wisdom of yoga with confidence, compassion, and creativity.
Ma formation de professeur de yoga de 200h avec Dr. Neel Kulkarni a été un voyage profondément transformateur et enrichissant qui a profondément influencé ma pratique du yoga et ma philosophie de l'enseignement. Le système Adhiyoga créé par Dr Neel (une intégration holistique du yoga classique, des sciences de la santé modernes, de la psychologie, des arts entre autres) a fourni un cadre solide et complet qui a enrichi ma compréhension du yoga au-delà des postures physiques.
J'ai commencé par des cours théoriques en ligne tous les matins. Il m'a donné des exercices à faire qui m'ont poussée à m'engager profondément dans le sujet, afin de maitriser les différents concepts. Son livre, "Adhiyoga System", est devenu un guide indispensable, offrant un aperçu de la philosophie du yoga, de la méditation, des exercices de yoga, des exercices de respiration, du chant, de la thérapie, des méthodologies d'enseignement et de diverses pratiques. Il s'agit d'une ressource importante qui a élargi ma perspective sur le yoga.
J'ai ensuite fait la pratique en Inde, où l'expertise du Dr Neel dans l'enseignement des subtilités des postures de yoga et des nuances d'un enseignement efficace a été exceptionnelle. Il m'a donné l'occasion d'enseigner à divers groupes, y compris des étudiants universitaires, des enfants dans un village et des visiteurs de l'ashram. Une belle expérience afin de développer ma capacité d'adaptation et ma confiance en tant qu'enseignante.
J'ai adoré la façon dont Dr Neel m'a encouragée à innover plutôt qu'à imiter, en me donnant les moyens de concevoir des poses et des séquences accessibles et bénéfiques pour tout le monde. Cette approche a joué un rôle déterminant dans mon développement en tant que professeur de yoga.
Les connaissances et l'expérience immenses du Dr Neel sont remarquables, ce qui fait de l'apprentissage auprès de lui une opportunité unique et précieuse. Je suis immensément reconnaissante d'avoir eu l'occasion d'apprendre de lui en individuel. Cela m'a permis d'approfondir mon apprentissage et mon développement personnel, ce qui n'aurait pas été possible dans un contexte de groupe. La formation de professeur de yoga du Dr Neel Kulkarni n'est pas seulement une expérience éducative ; c'est un voyage transformateur qui vous dote des connaissances, des compétences et de l'inspiration nécessaires pour partager la sagesse du yoga avec confiance, compassion et créativité.
Neel's profound knowledge of yoga's historical and philosophical aspects was especially evident as he guided me through the Yoga Sutras through his book "Patanjali Code". This deep dive broadened my theoretical knowledge and brought the teachings of the Sutras into a clearer, more practical context in modern yoga practice.
After doing my 200-hour training with Neel, I happily embarked on this advanced 300-hour yoga teacher training course with him to explore the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. It was an invaluable continuation of my yoga education, deepening my appreciation and understanding of the philosophy of yoga.
Neel’s profound knowledge of yoga’s historical and philosophical aspects was especially evident as he guided me through the Yoga Sutras through his book "Patanjali Code". This deep dive broadened my theoretical knowledge and brought the teachings of the Sutras into a clearer, more practical context in modern yoga practice.
This course was conducted online, yet Neel’s accessibility and dedication to my learning never made it feel distant. His responsiveness to my questions was immediate and insightful.
I am profoundly grateful for the chance to study under Neel's guidance once again. I wholeheartedly recommend Neel Kulkarni's 300-hour YTTC to anyone seeking to deepen their yoga practice and teaching capabilities.
Après avoir suivi ma formation de 200 heures avec Neel, je me suis embarquée avec plaisir dans ce cours avancé de 300 heures de formation de professeur de yoga pour explorer les Yoga Sutras de Patanjali. Ce fut une continuité très utile de ma formation en yoga, qui m'a permis d'approfondir mon appréciation et ma compréhension de la philosophie du yoga.
La connaissance profonde de Neel des aspects historiques et philosophiques du yoga était particulièrement évidente lorsqu'il m'a guidée à travers les Yoga Sutras grâce à son livre "Patanjali Code". Cette étude approfondie a élargi mes connaissances théoriques et a replacé les enseignements des sutras dans un contexte plus clair et plus concret de la pratique moderne du yoga.
Ce cours s'est déroulé en ligne, mais l'accessibilité et le dévouement de Neel à mon apprentissage n'ont jamais donné l'impression d'être distants. Sa réponse à mes questions a été immédiate et perspicace.
Je suis profondément reconnaissante d'avoir eu la chance d'étudier à nouveau sous la direction de Neel. Je recommande sans réserve la formation de 300 heures de Neel Kulkarni à tous ceux qui souhaitent approfondir leur pratique du yoga et leurs capacités d'enseignement.
Veronica, Officer in European Union
I am full of gratitude and joy for this wonderful transformative experience with Prof Neel which brought me deeper knowledge, more self-confidence, life inspiration and precious memories.
Prof Neel shares his vast knowledge of yoga history, philosophy and practice with passion and patience. The theory is delivered to the students in a clear and simple way, while maintaining all complexity and depth of the topics. He is always ready and available to answer any question and, even more, he is encouraging students' curiosity, creativity and critical approach. His very effective teaching method includes assigning homework, reviewing students' book notes, asking for daily report so helping the students to keep a discipline and to make the most out of the training.
I deeply appreciated Prof Neel's energetic and enthusiastic teaching method. He is an open minded and generous person who gives maximum attention to each student with a personalised approach. He easily understands the strengths and weaknesses of his students and knows how to encourage them in overcoming their limits and maximising their full potential. He is an excellent teacher as he gives to his students full trust and encouragement so allowing them to gradually building self-confidence. He is meticulous and critical but always respectful and fully supportive. He is also a great communicator, open and direct in addressing and resolving any issue.
The design of the training allowed us to practice yoga teaching with several students, including children of local communities (amazing experience!). The variety of teaching contexts helped us developing mental flexibility and adaptability. In addition, Neel's extraordinary knowledge of different human bodies gave us great insights on how to approach different physical needs by mastering asanas variations and understanding in depth asanas structure and benefits.
I read with great interest his book on Adhiyoga system, which offers a logical and comprehensive approach to the yoga practice from the more practical aspects to the higher spiritual purpose. His approach helped me to clarify many concepts and inspired my personal practice with new perspectives.
More than everything, Prof Neel has a wonderful good heart, in his teachings as in his life, by nourishing bright friendships, supporting disadvantaged children and practicing kindness with everyone.
Thank you for your inspiring example.
Varnika 🙏
Veronica Pineider
(From Florence, Italy - but living in Kathmandu, Nepal)
Veronica Varnika Pineider 🙏
Karusha Harichand, Yoga Teacher, Zambia
I feel like Neel Kulkarni was indeed a god send and learning the Adhiyoga system has helped me immensely. Every topic covered in the book is essential knowledge for all beings not only those interested in yoga.
I have recently had the privilege of doing the Adhiyoga course with Dr Neel Kulkarni, Author of Adhiyoga – Authentic Yoga System. This training has come at such an apt moment in my life. I feel like Neel Kulkarni was indeed a god send and learning the Adhiyoga system has helped me immensely. The course was done over 10 sessions online, never did I ever feel the absence of a teacher or support which is what comes to mind when I think of other online training. DR Neel Kulkarni is so humble yet so knowledgeable that he brings the course to life with his explanations of experience and theories. The book is written in such a way that it is self-explanatory, but having done the course with the book as study material is a complete package. I would highly recommend this course and more especially this book to every person who is looking for more clarity on how to live a satisfied and fulfilled life. Every topic covered in the book is essential knowledge for all beings not only those interested in yoga. I pray that more and more individuals find the means to study Adhiyoga with Neel Kulkarni. I am forever grateful for this opportunity.
David J. Jaroch and Deborah McLean, Michigan, Yoga Teachers, Michigan, USA
Neel encouraged questions and answered then in a kind and knowledgeable way. We have already been able to incorporate our new knowledge into our classroom.
Testimonial: Dr. Neel Kulkarni, Pune India
Teach Yoga Philosophy in the Classroom
Understand Indian Philosophy and the desire to incorporate philosophy into the typical yoga classroom.
Neel was asked to help us develop a method of incorporation philosophy into yoga exercise classes. Neel began with an explanation of the basics of Indian philosophy and the evolution to today. Our major focus was on Yoga philosophy since all or our classes are yoga classes.
Neel is a wealth of knowledge, his training started as a small boy and continued until he made the career change to full time yoga teacher years ago. The knowledge he shared offers us the opportunity to introduce yoga philosophy as well as other philosophies into our daily classes in a non-threating manner. We were left with the knowledge that the individual student must choose their own path, since all paths lead to the union of the individual soul with the universal soul, Purusha.
Neel encouraged questions and answered then in a kind and knowledgeable way. We have already been able to incorporate our new knowledge into our classroom.
Serenella , Italy (see English after Italian)
The practice of Hatha Yoga has long been a part of my life: I have studied it, deepened it - even in some particular forms such as Yoga Nidra or Sound Yoga - practiced and taught. A magnificent adventure has begun, a journey in which his precious information and corrections have been added to my past knowledge. Neel is an extraordinary teacher, capable of making a complex and articulated discipline understandable without ever trivializing it, restoring its ancient and sacred dimension to Yoga at all times.
Conoscere Neel e partecipare ai suoi corsi è stata un’esperienza quasi magica, per come si è presentata, per i suoi contenuti, per quello che ha significato e significa per me. Un incontro donato dall’Universo, una risposta alle richieste mie più intime. Credo che Neel ne possa vantare molti di questi incontri. La pratica dell’Hatha Yoga è stata a lungo una parte della mia vita: l’ho studiato, approfondito – anche in alcune forme particolari come lo Yoga Nidra o lo Yoga del suono - praticato e insegnato. Fino a un paio di anni fa quando l’usura e la rottura dei menischi mi ha bloccato tra grandi dolori. È stato un momento molto difficile, a poco a poco sono stata costretta a smettere di praticare. Così quando Neel è apparso a Viterbo offrendo due lezioni di Adhiyoga, ero molto in dubbio se provare o meno. Inutile dire che dopo la prima lezione, ero presente anche alla seconda, ho collaborato al training delle sue allieve del corso di formazione insegnanti e infine ho chiesto la possibilità di poter partecipare alla 2° parte del corso sul Pranayama, Meditazione e Filosofia. Con la sua grande generosità e con mia grande gioia Neel mi ha accettato. È iniziata una avventura magnifica, un viaggio in cui alle mie conoscenze passate si sono aggiunte le sue preziose informazioni e correzioni. Neel è un didatta straordinario, capace di rendere comprensibile una disciplina complessa e articolata senza mai banalizzarla, restituendo in ogni momento allo Yoga la sua dimensione antica e sacra. Disegna con i suoi magici schemi alla lavagna la mappa di una sottile e profonda ricerca sull’Essere universale. Attento e preciso è anche il modo in cui insegna a insegnare: la definizione con cui ogni asana viene mostrata e praticata, la sua gradualità esecutiva, la ricerca interiore del focus, come guidare una lezione, solo per citare alcuni particolari. Infine, ma non meno importante, ottenere la felicità nella pratica. Una conquista che si assapora giorno dopo giorno. Neel è per me come un portentoso tessitore che mi ha permesso di riparare il tessuto smagliato del mio tappeto di vita. È al centro di un incredibile rete di amore, di allievi, di contatti, di gioia,di idee in perfetta connessione con l’Universo, che nutre, amplifica e condivide. Un dono. Om Shanti.
Getting to know Neel and taking part in his courses was an almost magical experience, for how it presented itself, for its contents, for what it meant and means to me. An encounter donated by the Universe, a response to my most intimate requests. I think Neel can boast of many of these encounters. The practice of Hatha Yoga has long been a part of my life: I have studied it, deepened it - even in some particular forms such as Yoga Nidra or Sound Yoga - practiced and taught. Until a couple of years ago when the wear and tear of the menisci blocked me in great pain. It was a very difficult time, little by little I was forced to stop practicing. So when Neel appeared in Viterbo offering two Adhiyoga classes, I was very much in doubt whether to try it or not. It goes without saying that after the first lesson, I was also present at the second, I collaborated in the training of her students in the teacher training course and finally I asked for the possibility of being able to participate in the 2nd part of the course on Pranayama, Meditation and Philosophy. With his great generosity and to my great joy Neel accepted me. A magnificent adventure has begun, a journey in which his precious information and corrections have been added to my past knowledge. Neel is an extraordinary teacher, capable of making a complex and articulated discipline understandable without ever trivializing it, restoring its ancient and sacred dimension to Yoga at all times. He draws with his magic schemes on the blackboard the map of a subtle and profound research on the universal Being. The way in which he teaches is also attentive and precise: the definition with which each asana is shown and practiced, its gradualness of execution, the inner search for focus, how to guide a lesson, just to name a few details. Last but not least, achieve happiness in practice. A conquest that can be savored day after day. Neel is to me like a prodigious weaver who has allowed me to mend the tattered fabric of my carpet of life. He is at the center of an incredible network of love, pupils, contacts, joy, ideas in perfect connection with the Universe, which he feeds, amplifies and shares. A gift. Om Shanti.
Anna Rita Marinaro Italy (see English after Italian)
His teachings have brought me great professional growth and more! This certification will only be a starting point, I have a long way to go and I will continue This journey with Neel! I appreciated his nobility of mind, his humility, his greatness, his dedication in teaching but always aimed at the well-being of others!
Io credo che nulla accada per caso!Da anni volevo intraprendere un percorso di yoga,soprattutto per una crescita personale.Per un motivo o per un altro ho sempre rimandato(forse era Neel che aspettavo).A giugno per caso ho incontrato il grande maestro Neel Kulkarni tramite una amica.Il 15 giugno ho iniziato il mio percorso di yoga.
Mi ritengo estremamente fortunata,essendo Neel oltre un grande maestro di yoga un grande maestro di vita!I suoi insegnamenti mi hanno apportato una grande crescita professionale e non solo!Questa certificazione sara'solo una partenza ,di strada da percorrere ne ho molta e continuero'questo cammino con Neel!Si fara'sentire la sua mancanza,per piu'di un mese ha fatto parte della famiglia energy..una presenza continua sempre molto disponibile and attentive!
I believe that nothing happens by chance! For years I have wanted to take up a yoga journey, above all for personal growth. For one reason or another I have always put it off (perhaps it was Neel I was waiting for). In June I met the great master by chance Neel Kulkarni through a friend. On June 15th I started my yoga journey.
I consider myself extremely lucky. Neel is a great yoga master as well as a great life master! His teachings have brought me great professional growth and more! This certification will only be a starting point, I have a long way to go and I will continue This journey with Neel! He will be missed, for more than a month he has been part of the energy family.. a continuous presence always very helpful and attentive! I have a long way to go and I will continue this journey with Neel!
I appreciated his nobility of mind, his humility, his greatness, his dedication in teaching but always aimed at the well-being of others!
Lucky and grateful Neel.. see you soon, I'll wait for you!
Francesca Graziotti, Italy
(See English translation after Italian)
I am very happy to have made this choice and to have learned at least something from him because his teaching background is really great.
I thank Neel because I have discovered that I had the wrong idea of Yoga. I have discovered the true meaning of Yoga and its benefits. Regardless of what will happen for my future, Neel and his teachings will still remain an important baggage in my life path and in Yoga.
Ho conosciuto Neel per puro caso durante una sua lezione tenuta nella palestra in cui pratico a Viterbo, e la cosa mi ha interessata molto.
Ho sempre voluto intraprendere un percorso di Yoga, l’ho spesso praticato ma mai approfondito realmente, ho rimandato spesso, ma sono sempre stata affascinata da questo mondo e dallo Yoga; poi ho incontrato Neel, un grande maestro e mi sono buttata in questa grande esperienza di training. Forse le cose accadono perché quello è il momento in cui devono accadere.
Sono molto contenta di aver fatto questa scelta e aver imparato almeno qualcosa da lui perché il suo bagaglio di insegnamento è veramente grande.
Ringrazio Neel perché ho scoperto di avere un idea sbagliata dello Yoga, ho scoperto il vero senso dello Yoga e i suoi benefici. Grazie a Neel ho scoperto ( per il tempo che ho potuto trascorrere con lui) una piccola parte di cosa è veramente lo Yoga.
Al di là di cosa accadrà per il mio futuro, Neel ed i suoi insegnamenti rimarranno Comunque un bagaglio importante nel mio percorso di vita e nello Yoga.
Thank you Neel
I met Neel by pure chance during one of his lessons held in the gym where I practice in Viterbo, and I was very interested in it.
I've always wanted to take a Yoga journey, I've often practiced it but never really deepened it, I've often put it off, but I've always been fascinated by this world of Yoga; then I met Neel, a great teacher and I threw myself into this great training experience. Maybe things happen because that's when they have to happen.
I am very happy to have made this choice and to have learned at least something from him because his teaching background is really great.
I thank Neel because I have discovered that I had the wrong idea of Yoga. I have discovered the true meaning of Yoga and its benefits. Thanks to Neel I discovered (for the time I was able to spend with him) a small part of what Yoga really is.
Regardless of what will happen for my future, Neel and his teachings will still remain an important baggage in my life path and in Yoga.
Thank you Neel
Francesca Venturin, Italy
(English translation after Italian)
Thanks to his method, his passion and his experience. In the last year I have managed to make progress and achieve results that I never would have thought possible. I practice yoga almost every day and feel more and more benefits both physically and mentally and emotionally. I always like to say that he doesn't teach yoga. HE IS yoga!
Ho conosciuto il maestro Neel Kulkarni nel luglio del 2022. Praticavo yoga da un anno e mezzo eppure sentendo che lo yoga era importante per me non riuscivo a deficargli più tempo, né tantomeno a renderlo parte della mia routine quotidiana. La mia immensa fortuna è stata, appunto, aver conosciuto il maestro Neel: grazie al suo metodo, alla sua passione ed alla sua esperienza in quest'ultimo anno sono riuscita a fare dei progressi e a raggiungere dei risultati che mai avrei creduto possibili. Pratico yoga quasi ogni giorno e sento sempre maggiori benefici a livello sia fisico che mentale ed emotivo. Sono molto grata al maestro Neel e mi piace sempre dire che lui non insegna yoga lui è yoga. Grazie di cuore. Francesca
I met master Neel Kulkarni in July 2022. I had been practicing yoga for a year and a half yet feeling that yoga was important to me. I couldn't devote more time to it, much less make it part of my daily routine. My immense fortune was, in fact, to have met Maestro Neel: thanks to his method, his passion and his experience. In the last year I have managed to make progress and achieve results that I never would have thought possible. I practice yoga almost every day and feel more and more benefits both physically and mentally and emotionally. I am very thankful to master Neel and I always like to say that he doesn't teach yoga. HE IS yoga! Thank you with all my heart. ... Frances
Michela Rebeca, Italy
I want to follow Neel in life, with his courses and teachings, we are only at the beginning and I consider myself very lucky to have met him.
I met Neel in February online. His yoga method is helping me in my practice, work and life.
I needed more focus, and he has helped me in this and more, helping me to bring out my potential to help myself and others. I want to follow Neel in life, with his courses and teachings, we are only at the beginning and I consider myself very lucky to have met him. Thank you
Gananjay Dhayagude, Vedic Student, Pune
He made sure the classes I teach are accurate and systematic, as well as useful to the students. I also learnt how to use Yoga in my day to day life.
I met Dr. Neel Kukarni 5 months ago in connection with the Vedic Chanting. He told me about my potential to become a good Yoga Teacher. So, I started training with him. During this training, I learnt lot of things, but most importantly a balance between Mind and Body. He made sure the classes I teach are accurate and systematic, as well as useful to the students. I also learnt how to use Yoga in my day to day life. I love his book, Adhiyoga. The book is a great integration of the Classical Yoga originated in the Vedic Literature/Life and the Modern Sciences. I. am grateful to Dr. Neel Kulkarni for giving me this incredible opportunity.
Alice Zecchin, Massage Therapis and Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher, Italy
Is about 14 years that I had in my mind to follow the path of teaching Yoga but I had to wait you as my best teacher to go through that, as I really want to be.
This chapter of my training with my master teacher Neel, is about getting confidence with my inner space connected to my physical body.
It is a deep experience where I am more aware of myself and what I need or not about food, excercises, things to do etc...
I am discovering a big world back of Yoga and the deepest, that I was looking for years.
Neel is trying to teach me to be myself 100% and through me, as of any other Yogi, spread my knowledge and love of the real traditional Yoga to the World.
As a matter as a fact I am already teaching as part of my training and with this open mind, few rules ,but important, I can express myself and share Yoga.
Isn't super cool??!!
Thank you Neel!
Is about 14 years that I had in my mind to follow the path of teaching Yoga but I had to wait you as my best teacher to go through that, as I really want to be.
Dr. Anurita Misra, Senior Yoga Teacher, Mumbai, India
The path to learn Yoga is riddled with inaccurate information and flashy gimmicks at weight loss and claims of attaining spirituality through yogic practice. Therefore, it becomes necessary to learn Yoga from a reliable source who not only knows and teaches what Yoga and its practice is, but also, what it isn't. Neel Adhiyoga Kulkarni is such a reliable source.
The path to learn Yoga is riddled with inaccurate information and flashy gimmicks at weight loss and claims of attaining spirituality through yogic practice. Therefore, it becomes necessary to learn Yoga from a reliable source who not only knows and teaches what Yoga and its practice is, but also, what it isn't. Neel Adhiyoga Kulkarni is such a reliable source. With his 40 years of Yoga teaching experience as well as his impeccable background in various forms of Yoga practices, it was safe to say I was in very capable hands for my Teachers Training Programme. Learning from Neel Adhiyoga Kulkarni is an experience that entirely moulds you into a Teacher. With special focus on busting myths, unlearning any incorrect methods adopted earlier, and breaking free from pre-concieved notions, all regarding Yoga. The attention to minute details which one would otherwise miss out, Neel Adhiyoga Kulkarni makes it a point to focus on such minute details in order to get a much broader and deeper understanding of any and all practices one might learn from him. I'm fortunate to be a student of SaeeTech, The Authentic Yoga School and a disciple of Neel Adhiyoga Kulkarni. And the time I spent at SaeeTech, The Authentic Yoga School as well as everything I learnt under the tutelage of Neel Adhiyoga Kulkarni will be something I'll forever cherish and remember.
Katiuscia Mazzokko, Senior Teacher, Italy; Completed Part 1/2 of Advanced Training
Thanks for having relighted the inspiration, and the fire of knowledge.
Dear master,
Thanks for the trust you put in me. Thanks for your immense teaching.
Thanks for having relighted the inspiration, and the fire of knowledge.
Of this days remain a heart full of gratitude and wishes for personal growth.
Being a master is the most important job of the world, because without it, no job at all will exist. Thank you from my heart.
Have a nice trip.
Katiuscia and Liam
Caro Maestro, grazie per la fiducia riposta in me, grazie per i tuoi immensi insegnamenti, per aver riacceso l'ispirazione, ed il fuoco della conoscenza.
Di questi giorni, resta un cuore colmo di riconoscenza e desiderio di crescita interiore.
Il Maestro è il mestiere più importante del mondo perché nessun mestiere potrebbe esistere senza. Di cuore grazie, buon viaggio Katiuscia e Liam
Livia Di Feltre: She first came as a practice student. But, she was so good that I completed her 50 Hour Certification.
The teacher's minimalist and easy-going way, and the high energy within the teacher, let me quickly realise that the harmony between every breath and asana will bring my body, mind and spirit to a state of complete relaxation. The yoga philosophy mentioned by the teacher is really the wisdom that is worth learning in our life now. I will continue to practice what the teacher teaches.
我是中国人,我叫厉亮霞。很感谢认识了老师,也很感谢帮忙翻译的好朋友Stefania。 我可以在短短10天的时间里做瑜伽,每天我都很幸运有这么好的老师教我如何练习瑜伽。 老师极简随和的方式,以及老师内在的高能量,让我很快意识到,每一次呼吸与体式的和谐,都会让我的身、心、灵达到完全放松的状态。 老师提到的瑜伽哲学,真的是我们现在生活中值得学习的智慧。 我会继续实践老师所教的。 非常感谢🙏
Livia Di Feltre: I am Chinese and my name is Li Liangxia. I am very grateful to have met the teacher, and I am also very grateful to my good friend Stefania, who helped translate. I can do yoga in just 10 days, every day I am very lucky to have such a good teacher to teach me how to practice yoga. The teacher's minimalist and easy-going way, and the high energy within the teacher, let me quickly realize that the harmony between every breath and asana will bring my body, mind and spirit to a state of complete relaxation. The yoga philosophy mentioned by the teacher is really the wisdom that is worth learning in our life now. I will continue to practice what the teacher teaches. Thank you very much 🙏
Moritz Gall/ Prince from Austria
I have enjoyed the laughter together as well as the deep conversations. Through the training I have learned not only how much fun it is to teach myself, but how much fun it is to educate myself. I am already looking forward to seeing you again.
Erstmals möchte ich mich bedanken, dass Yoga zurückgefunden hat in mein Leben. Auch wenn die letzten Wochen sehr viel Fokus und Verpflichtung mit sich gebracht haben, war es wirklich ein bereicherndes Erlebnis. Sie waren sowohl geprägt von Frust und Wut aber vielmehr von Freude und Zufriedenheit. Ich möchte mich bei Neel bedanken für die vielen Stunden, die er mit mir verbracht hat und die aufbauenden Worte, welche er mir geschenkt hat. Es gibt noch immer viel zu lernen aber ein großer Anfang ist bereits getan. Unabhängig von den Trainingseinheiten haben wir viele schöne Stunden miteinander verbracht und dafür bin ich dankbar. Ich habe sowohl das Lachen zusammen genossen wie auch die tiefgründigen Gespräche. Durch das Training habe ich nicht nur gelernt wieviel Spaß es mir macht selbst zu unterrichten, sondern wieviel Spaß es mir macht mich selbst weiterzubilden. Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf ein Wiedersehen. Was für eine wundervolle Zeit.
First, I want to say thank yoga for finding its way back into my life. Even though the last weeks have brought a lot of focus and commitment, it has really been an enriching experience. They have been filled with both frustration and anger but more so with joy and contentment. I would like to thank Neel for the many hours he has spent with me and the uplifting words he has given me. There is still a lot to learn but a great start has already been made. Regardless of the training sessions, we have spent many wonderful hours together and for that I am grateful. I have enjoyed the laughter together as well as the deep conversations. Through the training I have learned not only how much fun it is to teach myself, but how much fun it is to educate myself. I am already looking forward to seeing you again.
What a wonderful time.
Janne Bragerhaug, Yoga Teacher, Norway
During translation I have used his knowledge to get through some really difficult times in my life. My path become more clear, and my mind and body became more steady.
Sometimes people come into your life, and without reflecting on why, you realize that this person is good for me to know. My first meeting with yoga, was three months after giving birth to my first son. It was a beautiful break from my thoughts and stressful times as a first- time mom. I continued to practice, because it made me feel good and relieved. My practice was a little bit on and off in the beginning. I live a western life, and it was hard to find time to practice in my everyday life.
I didn`t seek for my teacher, my teacher found me and contacted me through email, on his visit in Norway. This teacher was Dr. Neel Kulkarni. We met, he gave me a vegan meal, and he was chanting while I was in meditation. He gave me a book. I didn`t know at that time, it was the beginning of his doctorate. We kept in touch, and Neel sent me his new edition with commentaries by himself. I decided to translate it into Norwegian, as a part of a selfless practice, to make more people know about yoga and its benefits. He taught me about Indian Philosophy and gave me good advice on my everyday practice. During translation I have used his knowledge to get through some really difficult times in my life. My path become more clear, and my mind and body became more steady. I have been a vegetarian since 2014. I have experienced the change in vibration and less stress, as I changed my food.
I started my master's degree in social work this autumn, and I asked Neel for advice, and again with his gentle approach, he guided me to go vegan first. And then he reminded me of my goals, and how to make a theme for my master's thesis that wouldn`t take me off my yogic path. It wasn`t until I started my master's degree, I really recognized how much work Neel has put into his book. Not only did he make a systematically and logic approach to yoga that matches today`s stressful world. He also managed to make it simple and easy for people to understand, with his own commentaries, that left no doubt about what his Sutras mean.
I am truly blessed to know Neel, and to have had this privilege to translate his book into Norwegian. His work will help people around the world, if they are willing to take a look, and start. I will give my warmest and strongest recommends to Dr. Neel Kulkarni and his Adhiyoga, and I truly honour his work and contribution to my yogic path, and hopefully to many more after me.
Thank you from my heart. My best blessings to Neel. Your student, 04. April 2021
I met Neel Kulkarni for the first time back in 2014. He was visiting a doctor who needed his skills and stayed in his house in Hønefoss. During that time, Neel to
Clayton Yoga Shala - California, May 25, 2017
Thank you Neel for our 2nd year of teacher training in the Shala! You’ve been a great asset to our community in teaching Authentic Yoga - something not too easily found these days. It has been my great pleasure to attend your workshops, read your books, listen to your lectures and chanting, and to learn the AdhiYoga system. Mostly I am happy to have such a bright and pure soul like yours to call my friend and teacher! I am so impressed with your knowledge and experience, and the way you present the ancient and esoteric information in such concise and clear manner. Your understanding of the philosophy and tradition of Yoga is astounding. I look forward to many years of work and friendship and learning together. Thank you, thank you for all you do - for all of us serious students of Yoga!
Love & Peace,
Laura MullinOwner, Clayton Yoga Shala
Shama Rana, Yoga Teacher, and a Yoga Studio Owner, Pune, India
I am a recent graduate in RYT500 from the Authentic Yoga Teacher Training programme. My name is Shama Rana – Founder and Owner of Samsara–The Yoga Studio, NIBM Road, Pune. Over the years practicing and teaching Yoga and based on the positive feedback and encouragement I received I realized Yoga was my calling and decided to take it further by exploring its various forms. With the mission to help people experience inner peace and bring balance in their lives I started my own Yoga studio. Teaching Yoga and Meditation had become an activity which consumed me. I got good reviews from my clients and received requests to start offering Teacher Training Certifications at my yoga studio. But before I ventured into any such activity I wanted to strengthen my knowledge further and to get myself a RYT500 Certification through Yoga Alliance. I did not want to study just for a certification, I was seeking somebody who could take my learning to the
next level. After a lot of research on the net I finalised Saee Tech, The Authentic Yoga School of Neel Kulkarni. Going through Neel’s profile on his website and reading about his extensive body of work in this field based on his years of personal practice and teaching experience and the fact that he is an Engineer from IIT, I expected to find a teacher who is methodical in his approach and I was right in thinking so.
I myself am a graduate in Chemical Engineering from IIT Mumbai, but my quest to understand LIFE - body, mind and spirit, led me deeper into Fitness, Yoga and Meditation. I have trained and obtained a certification in Fitness and Club Management from Abhimanyu Sable’s ABS Fitness and Wellness Club, Pune. I did my Yoga Teacher’s Training with The Yoga Light Studios of Ajay Naik and later also got certified in Medical Yoga Therapy at the Unnati Yoga Therapy Centre. Training in Medical Yoga Therapy under the guidance of Dr. Vineeta Ketkar who has worked with the pioneers in this field like Yogacharya Shri BKS Iyengar, Dr S. M. Hardikar and Dr. S. V. Karandikar (founder Kabir Baug Yoga therapy) helped me gain a deeper understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the body, the root causes of the diseases and the why and how of the various medical yoga techniques.
Armed with this background I was wondering how my course will pan out over the next few months. On the first day of my training with Neel I was made aware that there would be no structure as such to this training programme but the way Neel was making a note each and every detail of all the activities that I was involved in, on a whiteboard, I was convinced that I was in the right place at the right time. Yes, being there and fully present is important and you will learn something new each day from him. He is very systematic and meticulous in his work and makes a note of everything. He decided to build up on my existing knowledge. He customises classes for each student. He prefers to teach a small group of students and he assesses your eligibility before you join him. Learning with him is more of a hands on experience which you will never probably find in any other teacher trainee programme. He has a mastery in doing all the yoga poses. You have to watch him in action breaking each pose into small steps, every step well documented and demonstrated making it easy for the student to follow through, even the difficult advanced poses like headstand, shoulderstand, handstand, etc.
It has been a wonderful journey with Neel Sir. He is very adventurous and loves to talk. He used to take us everywhere, to different schools where he would teach us and show us how the classes should be taught. Teaching yoga to kids is my goal too and he slowly introduced me to the method of teaching yoga to school children. At a very young age we should make them aware of what this body-mind complex and yoga is all about. What are the various joints, the muscles in the body? Why the fuss on being healthy, eating right? How to breathe better? What is the mind and what is meditation? Why do we need this body - this body being our vehicle to move around in this world? What do we teach the kids? How do we teach them? How should be your body language? I learnt the finer nuances from him to it make it more interesting for the kids and to build their enthusiasm.
He has given us beautiful teaching methods. How to create the structure of the session? What should be the theme? How your mind should be focussed at all times on what you are doing. Who are you teaching? He places a lot of emphasis that a yoga teacher trainee start practicing and teaching from day one, start making observations of his/her own strengths and limitations and chart a new way forward, becoming better and better each day. There is a constant follow up on your progress.
Yoga for Weight Loss in in great demand today so my requirement was to learn how to deal with such clients. I got training in Aerobic Yoga for weight loss here. Got intensive training in all the weight loss postures. Besides that he also conducted a weight loss workshop in my studio. I learnt a lot of new postures from Neel. Each and every posture that he teaches us, it is not like a regular posture documented in yoga books. I can say, that understanding, that insight, comes from years of practicing postures and experience
with your body, the structure of your body – the anatomy, physiology of it. I gained a lot of insights from him, very minute details, I don’t think I would have got it anywhere else. It is my biggest strength of coming here to Neel Sir.
I also got training in Flow Yoga/Power Yoga/Vinyasa, how to create your own vinyasa sequences, I also learnt all the advanced level postures and how to do teach them with the use of props. He trained us to be creative in the use of props for doing various postures and device our own props. Shavansana, Yoga Nidra and Meditation were an important part of my training course. To train me into Adhiyoga he conducted a Meditation workshop on Adhiyoga Techniques at my studio.
I had read the book written by him ‘Adhiyoga’ - The Authentic Yoga System before joining the course. He has covered all aspects of Yoga in detail in this book which will help the modern man in the contemporary society to understand what ‘Yoga’ is. It is not just physical exercises. Neel has written another book on ‘Yoga Sutras of Patanjali’ which can be an invaluable guide for Yoga Students worldwide. We went through this book chapter by chapter as part of the Yoga philosophy training, breaking each and every level of Samadhi, the siddhis acquired and all the practices that are required to reach Kaivalya. He introduced me to me to Chanting too. Also studied Vedic Philosophy and Hatha Yoga Pradipika. I gained an in-depth knowledge of Yoga Philosophy, an understanding of the practices to attain liberation, It was so enlightening. It whetted my appetite to read more on this Subject. He got two more books for me to read, ‘The Gheranda Samhita’ and ‘The Shiv Samhita’.
My aim of strengthening myself as a Yoga Teacher served its purpose. Having acquired an RYT500 Certification and a lot of experience and understanding of the teaching methodology and the various forms of Yoga and also Adhiyoga, I hope to teach with the same zeal, dedication and passion as him. Thank you Neel.
Shama Rana
Yoga Trainer & Medical Yoga Therapist; Fitness Trainer; Fellowship in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine; Life Coach
Founder and Owner - Samsara –The Yoga Studio, NIBM Road, Pune, India.
Neha Gaikwad, Yoga Teacher, Pune
This was my 2nd Yoga teacher training with Neel Kulkarni. Beginning of the course I had some arguments with him regarding the structure of the class.But slowly as I took the course further understood his weird style.He doesn’t waste your time teaching you something you already know. He modifies the course according to your needs. Taking you out of your comfort zone. Not only he trains you to be a Versatile yoga teacher. He incorporates discipline in you and directs you how to practice it.
His Adhiyoga Authentic Yoga System(AYS) is based on a series of very clear and valid points for todays lifestyle. I like his teaching style which is interesting and simple. I Especially like the way of teaching the poses in stages. It is very useful for inexperienced yoga practitioners and also for the advanced students to get safely in the final position. Preparing the parts of your body by focusing on all the points. His main concept of watching the body from inside is helpful to understand the pose from inside.
Only one point I felt his training was missing. Neel emphasises too much on teaching a class and sometimes he ignores the theory part. Apart from it I am very happy and satisfied with the training. Now looking forward to grow my practice and understanding in Y oga.
Isaura Maglio, Yoga Teacher, Milan, Italy; Owner of Ishwaraa Yoga,
This is my third Yoga Teacher Training with Neel Kulkarni. This year, I had the pleasure of hosting his training in my new yoga studio in Grottollela. This yoga studio was born out of his wise and broad-minded advice. I feel privileged to continue my growth in the field of Yoga with Neel Kulkarni. His Adhiyoga - Authentic Yoga System (AYS) is based on a series of very clear and valid concepts. Above all, it understandable to newcomers to Yoga and also, beneficial to current practitioners and teachers of Yoga. I highly recommend anyone to read his book and follow his method.
Neel Kulkarni is an extraordinary teacher, with a special personality and unique methods. In his teaching, you find extreme logic, special attention to techniques for Yoga exercises, focusing of mind, right use of time to scan, and better organisation of a lesson.
During this short and intense course of two weeks, we have had the opportunity to study exercises, pranayama, bandhas, teaching techniques, Vinyasa, mantras, and philosophy, to name a few topics. Above all, as always, lots and lots of practice of physical exercises, both in the personal and practical so in-depth study of asanas in detail, both in terms of exploration of ourselves for the creation of new exercises. One of Neel's qualities that fascinates me is that he is always able to turn my mind to ever new discovery of myself and my body. He pushes his students to form their own style, not to be a copy of others, but to know themselves in depth so as to be able in every situation to bring out their own individual capabilities and qualities. I love his approach to practice the exercises, it is direct, clear, and well studied. He is able to make any object an interesting and surprising practical tool. Also with regard to the theoretical and philosophical part of Yoga, he is able to express and synthesise very large and challenging concepts, in a few simple and concise words. It really is worth to get an experience of study and living with him, there is a lot to learn!
Teresa Nuvola, Yoga Teacher, Napoli
The teaching system designed by Neel Kulkarni, (as indeed the one he formulated and termed "Adhiyoga") is entirely logical, linear, and complete. Its structure is most simple. One can
immediately perceive many years of dedication that led to create and improve Adhiyoga. This method is highly effective in leading a yoga class, giving the most out of each session.
The same effectiveness is present in training and preparing future teachers, who develop, in their students, maximum mental concentration, maximum physical results, the understanding and the study of each Asana, Sutra or philosophical concept.
His approach to physical exercises is extremely interesting. To study with him is illuminating, it never ceases to amaze me !!!
He succeeds in converting any exercise into a Yoga exercise, always finding unique and imaginative ways to understand the work to be done in each Asana, so as to adapt it to any need, physical or otherwise situation.
This is my third teacher training with him, and it still manages to astound me with the use
of media out of the ordinary, out of the ordinary exercises, and practices out of the ordinary. Certainly Neel is a teacher outside the lines, for better or for worse!
Filippo Lo Gatto, Physiotherapist, Italy
I met Neel in the Summer of 2015. I immediately realised his authenticity as a Yoga Teacher. I got physical and mental benefits from the classes I took with him. With time, he proved to be a great friend in addition to being a great teacher. So, I decided to join his teacher training. I studied in London for a month and in France for a half.
In London, Neel's location was very far from my location. Therefore, reaching him was not regular in time. But, he was always available to me with dedication. In addition to strong teaching skills, I learnt a lot about myself, physically as well as mentally. Neel has training and experience necessary to provide knowledge of yoga in all its aspects, thus preparing student for optimal individual as well as teaching practice.
The last 15 days we spent in a wonderful place in the north of France: fresh air, lots of green, rooms suitable to the practice and the right company helped make the perfect workout. This was in addition to the continuous supervision of the teacher. I
was benefitted with sharing studies and practice with highly talented and enthusiastic trainees. The experience was extremely positive.
Thanks for the opportunity that Neel has given me and for his sincere friendship. I wish him the best of luck and the greatest happiness possible; that his desires come true and may he always continue to teach with passion and with happy face. May the winds always be in his favour.
Namaste ' Filippo Lo Gatto
Ariane Allo, France
I had a very good experience of the YTT with Neel. His method brings you to build up your own practice according to your goal and your capacities. He realy takes the time to know each of the student and gives day by day appropriate work to each of them. I found it makes your learning process very efficient. He also gives you all the tips to improve your self practice during and after the training.
I enjoyed in a particular way his method to explain the yoga poses and to explain how you can teach them, with props when needed. You have first to observe and study the pose by your self and in a second moment you can benefit from Neel's deep knowledge about the pose. Neel also teachs how to use the space and the objects you have to practice the poses and improve them. So you can find out how you can practice in many different spaces, not just in yoga studios.
I realy appreciated that he encourages you to find your own definition of yoga and to clarify what is your aim by teaching Yoga. I'm sure it's a very important thing to have a clear goal when you teach, whatever you teach.
In his training you may have the opportunity to teach after a very small time (if your goal is to teach of course), and I found it very usefull because you know from the begining concrete points you have to keep in mind when you are teaching. You also have a good preparation about the philosofic basis of Yoga and the theory of classical and applied meditation. Who is interested can also have very good chant lessons. Neel has a deep passion for music and encourage you to include it in your practice. For sure, you will get inspired by hearing him chanting in any moment of the day!
Namaste, Ariane
Jennifer Van Wyck, Psychologist, Canada
I came to Neel's teacher training not knowing anything about Neel or what to expect. All I knew was that for some reason I had to go. Neel makes being a yoga teacher accessible, he's encouraging, patient and wise. These two weeks have been a deep spiritual and emotional journey for me and I feel very ready to take on the future. Thank you so much Neel for your wisdom, guidance, and support. I will see you again! Jennifer van Wyck
Geraldine Waring, France
I have completed my 200 hour Adhiyoga teacher training with Neel Kulkarni. It has been the most special two weeks as Neel has the gift of working with each persons strengths and helping them identify the direction they are going towards in their teaching as well as life goals.
Neel works with small groups which is a great advantage for the trainee. He teaches with dedication, patience a sense of humour and fun and is a man of great knowledge and accomplishment. During the two weeks I have a real sense of personal development as well as improved yoga knowledge, philosophy and self improvement with my practice.
I have worked for thirty years in the fitness industry and fully recommend Neel's unique training methods which are suitable for those starting out on their teaching career as well as those of experience. The two weeks gives you a chance to absorb and internalise the information and develop your own style of teaching which is some thing Neel helps you with a lot. I particularly enjoyed the yoga chanting as I was always shy about singing but through this course have enjoyed the chanting and benefits it brings. Neel always chooses locations which add to the experience of the training, in nature and tranquil. My 100 hour certificate last year was in Italy and this years 200 hour certificate took place in the French countryside.
The course has definitely given me the confidence to teach.
Geraldine Waring
London, UK
July 2016 Location France
Geraldine Waring
Marisol Fuson, California
Neel is a unique yoga teacher. He is uplifting, inspiring, rejuvenating and helps his students push through mental barriers they didn’t even know they had. Neels connects with everyone in his training. He takes the time to really get to know all students and will individualise each person’s training to meet their goals. Neel is welcoming and makes the best Chai tea! His hallmark quote is “focus the mind” at first you might gloss over this idea but by the end of the training you truly understand might become your hallmark quote too. Neel really loves and respects all aspects of Yoga and his energy is inspirational.
Neel lets his authentic personality shine through in each of his classes from workshops to lectures to private classes. He can teach yoga anywhere! His classroom can be a park, a rock formation, a classroom, a studio or even a small room. His light heartedness shines through. He makes everyone feel comfortable with the power of a smile wether you’ve
practiced yoga for years or are a newbie who’s self-conscious. Neel is fun and knows how to shake the seriousness out of us with his hilarious personal anecdotes while still conveying a deeper message. He loves music and brings chanting into his teaching.
His guidance encourages his students to continue their yoga path. Neel brings yoga to life and helps students realise yoga surrounds us everywhere. His teaching is fresh and authentic. He has a deep knowledge of yoga and passion to share it with everyone. He lives and breathes what he teaches.
Marisol Fuson, Clayton, California
16 April 2016
Ivonne Siabato Londono, Pilot
This Teacher Training challenges you physically and mentally. I had practiced Yoga exercises long ago, but my passion for Meditation and Philosophy has always been profound. After a prolonged search for a suitable school, I chose SaeeTech The Authentic Yoga School for my training to improve my meditation and philosophy along with perfect mix of yogic exercises.
With Neel and his Adhiyoga (Authentic Yoga) System, you can learn to live philosophy, meditation and yoga exercises. I found the concepts of Breathing/Pranayama are systematic and concrete, with exceptional methodology.
Neel's teacher training is based upon the experience, dedication and quality of an individual student. But, he prepares each trainee to be a professional teacher with solid yoga practice and solid teaching methodology. I followed his steps, homework and study material, and I was able to teach a class within a week!
Even though, my passion is Meditation with Philosophy, Neel's Adhiyoga was able to make me into a real Yoga Teacher with all the essential ingradients!
Un beso y un abrazo...
Nicole Elizabeth Capell, Electrician, California
I’m having a wonderful experience in Neel Kulkarni’s Adhiyoga teacher training. He has endless knowledge on yoga, be it poses, meditation, philosophy or chanting as he has spent his life in the study of yoga. From this dedication to yoga and teaching came the Adhiyoga - Authentic Yoga System. This system has proven to be highly effective, yet simple and is adjustable to everyone. Adhiyoga technique helped my yoga practice a great deal and has inspired me to teach. Since beginning my training I have made a lot of progress in my personal practice in only two months time. I have learned to think about yoga in new ways and I now can say that I have a dedicated yoga practice that balances poses, meditation, chanting and spiritual study. Our class time is very interactive and has involved practice teaching sessions for the trainees which has helped me to feel more confident in teaching and in myself. Neel also meets with students in one-on-one sessions so each trainee can achieve their individual goals and interests. The training style is definitely that of Guru and student which has giving me a unique and tailored experience that will always be with me. I feel truly blessed to be born into circumstances that allowed me to find the path of yoga and someone to guide me on it. As I said before I’m having a wonderful time in my training and am feeling motivated as well as happy
from my Authentic Yoga adventure. Thank you Neel for being my teacher and helping me to see that every place is the perfect place of yoga.
Nicole Elizabeth Capell, Clayton CA
Stephanie Koteles, Retired Teacher, California
I first met Neel in the spring of 2015 when I attended a lecture he gave at my yoga studio. He was so knowledgeable. When the teacher training was announced and I found out the trainer was Neel, I very much wanted to attend. It took a bit of doing but, now half way through my 200 hour teacher training course with Neel Kulkarni through Clayton Yoga Shala, my understanding of yoga has changed. Before yoga was asanas, now it is bringing “focus to the mind.” Neel’s Adihyoga system of teaching has the student looking inward from the first. Neel believes a student must build capacity and build up to a difficult pose so as to be correct and safe once a student achieves that asana. It is all about defining your goal and logically taking steps towards it.
Neel himself is wonderful. He is caring and positive. He teaches the group but also meets with each student individually and helps them first identify and then take steps towards that goal. He is beyond knowledgeable. Neel has read and studied yoga and yogic texts for over half his life. He has studied under many great masters and has been all over the world. Neel teaches his authentic yoga system to teacher trainees wherever he finds students. We have learned about meditation, chanting, Om, philosophy, and yoga nidra in addition to learning how to teach students. We must know points to begin a pose, points of what to feel while in the pose and how to exit a pose. If working dynamically, we add how to move. It is all very logical. Along with all this, we worked on how to begin a class, how to end a class, and what teaching points to remember.
We have all been able to work on personal practice goals as well. Neel is quick to diagnosis what we need to do to improve our pose goal and give steps to take to achieve better alignment in said pose. I am looking forward to the second half of my training in spring 2017 when Neel returns to Northern California.
Iva Jean Maguda, California
Teacher training March/April 2016
Living in the SF Bay Area there are many options available for attaining yoga teacher training certification. Until recently I had very little interest in pursuing such a certificate. I was notified that the yoga studio I attend was going to offer a 100 hour teacher training certificate program. I felt compelled to find out more about the training and the instructor. I talked with some of the instructors at the studio, and I purchased and read the book being used for the class ( "Adhiyoga, Authentic Yoga System," by the instructor Neel Kulkarni) prior to his arrival from India. At the last minute I signed up for the class. Although there were many options for the teacher training, I believe this was a unique opportunity to study with someone that has an extensive background and knowledge in yoga. After completing the 100 hour training session I would like to share why I would encourage anyone who has the opportunity and interest to study with Neel to do so. Neel's class provided a solid foundation for the students to incorporate their own style into teaching yoga. His logical approach allows a teaching format that can be applied to any student level. Neel also worked with each student individually to address their personal goals and concerns. It was a very educational and an enriching experience.
My personal practice has expanded; I started practicing at home, and I am experimenting with adding new elements. My balance has improved physically and mentally. I feel confident that I have the knowledge to break down the poses and convey them to others. The classes and practice sessions with Neel exceeded my expectations.
Neel's knowledge is not limited to the teacher training. He also did several workshops that covered yoga philosophy, mediation, and chanting. In the workshops he would address each person's particular interest. I believe Neel appeals to a wide array of practitioners because he is trained in classical yoga but has also developed a yoga system that can be applied to today's western yoga student.
David Jaroch, Michigan
Who better to learn from than a native born, life long student/teacher of yoga. Neel Kulkarni now dedicates his life and efforts to sharing his love of yoga practice as a mentor and teacher. I had the opportunity to share in that journey as his student in Clayton, California.
I am a Michigan Yoga Teacher Training student. My Michigan class time was interrupted by a scheduled trip to California. Clayton, California Yoga Shala arranged for me to sit in on two weekend classes during my visit. That is where I met Neel and my training changed forever.
This experience has been stimulating and inspiring in so many ways. Neel makes it his responsibility to prepared each student to teach. Class time is spent learning the Authentic form of yoga encompassing all aspects of yoga life.
We have all taken a variety of classes where we struggle week after week trying to perfect each pose. Neel's approach insure you learn the pose correctly the first time. Along with weekly class time Neel schedules individual student time to work on individual challenges.
If you are looking to learn how to teach yoga as a complete practice or you wish to expand your studies beyond a traditional yoga teacher training course contact Neel today. It is worth your time and effort to change the direction of your yoga practice in ways you never felt possible.
I leave California and Neel's guidance with a new awareness of the wonderful opportunities offered by being a yoga teacher. I look forward to sharing the wonderful world Neel opened up to me these past few weeks.
This message has been custom made by: David J. Jaroch 4476 Franklin Street Ubly, MI 48475 989-658-2133
Dr. Aparna Jojare, Ayurvedic Physician
My teacher training was of only 50 hours duration. But, I learnt so much.
Most of all, this training built up my self confidence including that for teaching yoga to others. I learnt how to teach based on capacity of individuals, how to teach Asanas and how to make students perform them. In his unique method, Adhiyoga, we learn how to perform yoga exercise, how to synchronise breathing with the exercise, how to to perfect the Asana, and how to use various supports during the Yoga exercise. Also, I learnt how to manage timing of various Yoga exercises including Asana, Vinyasa, and Pranayama. I also learnt how to instruct in a simple, succinct and effective manner. I also learnt how to teach small children. I already knew Asanas to a good extent. But, his training taught me how to go deeper into Asanas.
Above all, this training taught me how Yoga Exercise should be performed to satisfy one's individual goal and how to perfect such an exercise. In the same manner, I learnt how the goal of my life should be attained using appropriate methods.
Dr. Aparna Jojare
Archana Sancheti, Fitness Trainer
I am Archana Sancheti, a fitness trainer and now trained by Neel Kulkarni as a Yoga Trainer. My view looking towards Yoga as an art has changed drastically because of Neel Sir. Neel Sir is very well read and has intense knowledge of Yoga. His Adhiyoga system is a boon to the society and I am so proud to be a part of it. Neel has defined Yoga in such a way that it automatically makes our journey inwards, without even our realising this. I have started my inward journey because of his guidance and my realisation plus Adhiyoga system will definitely help all whom I connect with and help in upbringing of humanity and spread love and happiness to all.
ALWAYS KEEP HAPPY FACE! BEST LUCK. Thank you Neel Sir for everything.
Archana Sancheti
Neha Gaikwad, Pune
I did 50 hours training with Neel Kulkarni. From the first day of the class he made me ready mentally, that I am training to become a teacher and not just a student. I like his exceptional way of teaching, which goes with the modern time, without losing the authenticity of it. His teaching is clear, precise and brilliant. Neel Kulkarni Sir is a really special teacher and a unique person. He taught me not only his style of teaching, but also gave me freedom to come up with my own style. He has years of experience and therefore his knowledge is vast. I am very happy from the training I took from him.
And looking forward to learn more from him, during his next visit to India.
Neha Gaikwad
Teresa Nuvola, Napoli, Italy
I was blessed with the opportunity to translate Neel’s latest and complete work “Adhiyoga – Authentic Yoga System of Neel Kulkarni” into Italian language. Also, I have completed 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training with him. Due to this, I was extremely lucky to spend entire two months in India, observing and studying his work closely.
I found Neel’s methodology amazing because it is in harmony with the most profound and often forgotten discipline of Raja Yoga, which has “mind” at the center of each study and training. Thanks to his smartness and knowledge of the most diverse "human types" as he spurs each of his student to get in touch with and master his/her mind. Then, the body follows the mind without too much effort. Hence comes a day you find yourself looking to the world upside-down without even knowing how!!!
During my prolonged teacher training, he had some other teacher trainees for shorter training, and also other yoga students from various countries and with diverse backgrounds. I noticed that each and every student’s training was different and suited exactly to the student’s needs and goals (sometime even beyond them understanding this!)
It looked like he has a “no bottom pot” he can go in whenever is needed and search for further knowledge. I found in Neel a person with great humanity and practicality, as well
as extremely authentic because he himself is 100% coherent with his system. His system is not rigid. It is open to every criticism when discussed methodically. Actually, he spurs his students to question everything through their own experience. To sum up I would define his teaching method totally unconventional.
Due to his roots, he has extremely profound knowledge of Indian spiritual tradition, including of course, yoga and meditation. Additionally, due to his living in U.S.A and travels around the word , he is capable of understanding western culture , while keeping himself a very simple, joyful and easygoing man!
Teresa Nuvola
Cinzia Rinzivillo, Yoga Teacher, Italy and Pune
I did the 200 TTC with Neel last year. I was already very satisfied and for this I decided to complete my 500 hour TTC yoga alliance training with him. He has been very intuitive and exceptional at meeting my expectations and needs.
He gave me direct feedback on my teaching, helping me identify my strengths and see where I could improve.
He encouraged me to come out of the comfort zone of established yoga school and tradition to try on myself and create my own style of teaching and thinking.
Thank to him I'm more clear, concise and direct.
Cinzia - Italy
Cinzia Rinzivillo
Michela, Italy
I enjoyed the course of Neel Kulkarni because it gave me the opportunity to know the Indian philosophy in more depth, approaching not only yoga but also to Indian culture. The explanations were clear and in-depth, demonstrating a knowledge and a remarkable ability to display.
The teaching of yoga practice was unique and very instructive. Making me understand that every client should be analysed differently but precisely, I learned of a new method that definitely helped me in my future career as a teacher. Helping in the difficult task of analysing the potential difficulties of my students, I am able to develop my short attention span into a higher one. The course is also very useful to develop a level of attention to special aids education that sometimes are taken for granted.
The attention given to both the philosophy and yoga exercises, by perfect closer look on what needs to be yoga, not only physical activity and body care but also a development of the ability to concentrate, until you come to a coordination body-mind .
The course tries to bring out the discipline of yoga from the simple sphere related to fitness to fit it in its original form, which is a means of improving teachers' lives and those of their students.
I especially appreciate the advice on learning the different asanas, a new and attentive to detail to develop in contemporary knowledge of the pose and the breath-mind coordination.
The course of 200 hours was definitely well as cultural enrichment also staff, an important point of view that undoubtedly will help me in this long journey to become yoga.
Michela, Italy
Deepa Nair, Yoga Teacher, Pune, India
Doing training with Neel was a very unique experience. During the classes Neel discussed his Adhiyoga philosophy a lot and explained how it was different. I liked his definition of Yoga “Any activity done with mental focus”. We focussed a lot on the breath part along with asanas. He makes one think and build their own style. He can teach yoga anywhere and make every experience a learning opportunity.
His vast knowledge and style of teaching of the Philosophy's of yoga, Bhagvagita and the Patanjali yoga sutras was really nice.
Thanks Neel.
Deepa Nair
Deepa Nair
Lida, Russia
Yoga teacher training is an interesting and educational journey in world of Yoga. By detailed learning of theory and intensive practice I found answers to my questions.Thank you, Neel , for individual approach to each student. It was positive and productive approach.I have got a lot of useful skills in leading yoga class, in teaching poses and breathing, meditation and mudras, how to maintain focus in class , how to approach special needs that people have and so many other useful things. Thank you for attention to details.
Thank you, now it is time to practice and mastering skills. Lida. 29.11.2015
Lida, Russia
Viacheslav Svitailo, Russia
I had my 200 hours training in an interesting places- a noisy and smoky but very vibrant Poona City. From the first day of my training my understanding of Yoga became deeper. I understood more about history and philosophy of Yoga. Everyday I understood more and more about the inner working of physical exercises of yoga, breathing practice, and meditation. Of course, all this knowledge has been supported by intensive practice. This knowledge and practice would help me to choose my way of development with the understanding of direction where this path will lead me. By using the practice of teaching I know efficient and quality methods, how to lead group during practice, how to choose sequence of poses and breathing, what to say and on which points to pay attention to , how to rest properly after exercises. I have learnt more about healthy life style and nutrition. Now I know in which direction I want to move further. Big thank you for you training, Neel!
Anita Leombruni, Yoga Teacher, Italy
I did my first TTC with Neel in 2014 and I really liked his smart and direct teaching approach. He made me realise how important it is to take care about the weak part of the body and how to train this particular part. His method about teaching yoga reflects his own personality, being born in India and lived in the west for a long time. He has also an extensive knowledge about philosophy and history of yoga. In 2015, I had the pleasure to accommodate him in my house and a simple visit it turned into a real training session for approximately one month, and a lot of lessons for the people in my town. I had the opportunity to see how it is possible to create work and offer your own knowledge in every occasion and in every place, every time. For me this was one of the most important lessons: be who you are and what you know, everywhere. Neel teaches to a diverse
levels of students different yoga exercises depending on the individual, he teaches how to manage the time during the lesson, how to improve your mental focus, how to learn balance and keep happy face during the practice. He has a gift to recognise persons since the first meeting and he knows how to test them! For me Neel is a friend and counsellor also, not only a great teacher. He really cares about the individual student's success and also career success, he proves this continuing support by keeping in touch with his students, following the progress. It's his mission. I'm really proud to have met him.
Anita Leombruni
Anita Leombruni Yoga Teacher, Italy
Geraldine Waring, London, U.K.
I first met Neel this spring through my son Luc who met him in Mysore India in the place they were staying. Luc was interested in philosophy and engaged Neel in conversation and brought his book Adhiyoga. Neel then came to London where I met him and was so impressed with his happy and uplifting spirit, there I enjoyed yoga practice and talks.
Neel told us about his training in Italy and Luc went to Vinci for the 100 hours teacher training and myself to Milan. My main reason was to spend more time with Neel and have a deeper knowledge of yoga practice and yoga philosophy.
After many hours of lectures I now know that happiness is 'ice cream' Neel loves ice cream, and once eaten, you reach Samadhi, ha!
I have been in fitness for many years and am a Pilates instructor. Now in my 60's with a few injuries I thought my teaching days were over but now I am interested in teaching those my age, a gentler yoga and feel confident with Neels encouragement and teaching techniques to do that. I am still in Italy and look forward to a few more days to enjoy this exceptional man's company and unique teachings.
My view is that you cannot choose a better teacher. Neel is one of the foremost scholars of Sanskrit and comes from a family of yogis. He teaches with knowledge depth humour and originality and designs the course to bring out the best in each individual student. This is also because he prefers teaching and working with small groups. He encourages you to find and teach in your own style. He is an inspiration. His website is Adhiyogi meaning authentic yoga and that is what you will experience.
My journey and transformation continues with joy in my heart. Thank you Neel.
Geraldine Waring, London, UK
Isaura Maglio, Yoga Teacher, Milan, Italy
Yoga Teacher Training Course 15-07-2015/21-07-2015 Milano
This is my second yoga teacher training with Neel Kulkarni. The first time was unforgettable, when I had the pleasure to do the course in Pune and live in the same house with Neel. Each yoga student should have a guide like him, a gift on spiritual path.
His own system called Adhiyoga has a perfect logic and when you can connect, it will becomes a great tool for Yoga study and teaching.
Neel's lessons are unpredictable! One of his priority his to develop focused mind, so he will test your attention as long as he can.
The present training topics included Adhiyoga Vinyasa, general teaching techniques, and Patanjali's Yogasutras.
Neel is an attentive teacher. He always personalizes his suggestions and methods on for each student's individual needs. His clear mind everytime is able to create harmonious class and to stimulate a personal expression of the Adhiyoga system.
I want to thank Neel and the students of my class for the incredible experience, a great occasion of growing in a professional and personal way.
Hari Om. Shantii Isaura
Lara Pintossi, Yoga Teacher, Brescia, Italy
Neel is a really special master, and a unique person. He gives himself completely to his students unconditionally, personally following each according to their inclinations. He has created his own system of yoga, Adhiyoga, but he gives full freedom and also invites his students to create their own style. This brings everyone to think about the logic that should to be behind each action, posture or philosophy. He has undoubtedly studied all his life and therefore his knowledge is very vast. Those who approach Neel cannot help being impressed by his brilliant intelligence, great goodness and irrepressible joy that spreads around him. I consider myself very lucky to have met him on my way.
Laura D’ Amore, Yoga Teacher, Torino, Italy
I met Neel in 2014, when I ran into, completely by accident, an advertisement of his course for teachers on a website dedicated to yoga. It was my first Teacher Training with Neel after four years of practice of the wonderful discipline of Yoga that increasingly fascinated me. I had no particular expectations about the course. I wanted to learn, of course, and learn how to teach, but I had no idea of how such a course could be. After a few hours of training experience, I realized how lucky I was. I have met so many people who are passionate and experienced, but above all I met Neel, a true master! It is an honor and privilege to meet such a person own one's path .
His teaching is clear, precise and brilliant. It directly provides everything necessary for becoming a good yoga teacher, and it encourages its students to put into practice immediately as designed. Everything, remaining faithful to a concept: learn as much as possible, but then put it into practice in the way that makes you happy.
This year, the training being in a different place and with different people, the magic was repeated and the course was punctuated by absolutely funny moments. I do not think that I would never be able to try bending all directions, on the bench in a mall in Mila, if not driven by the extraordinary enthusiasm of Neel Kulkarni
Julie Britton, Life Coach, Wales, U.K.
My homework was to sit in silence daily for 30 minutes, which I found very challenging!! To focus on 1 object. I choose my body weight as the topic.
Through daily meditation, I am I remember how I would thrive on feeling hungry, CONTROLLING MY PORTIONS TO LOOSE THAT NEXT kilo.
I was Able to make choices round food that made me feel light, knowing when my stomach was full and to leave feeling hungry knowing I would feel full after 20 minutes.
During special occasions eating high carbohydrate meals and large meals at that, just drinking water and eating salad the next day to even out the amount of energy consumed. All these strategies and formulas I used to have at an early teenager at 12,13,14,15,16 years right up to my 30’s. Then I started to suffer around food shortly after my farther died, now loosing both my parents has left me dissatisfied and using food and drink as a comfort impacting my weight gain. I then started to exercise nearly one to two hours 5 days a week over the past two years which has impact my back, knees and neck and now I am in so much pain I need to change my eating style all together. So the biggest things that has helped me on this course is mind meditation with silent sitting for 30 minutes which led from various emotions from anxiety to irritability to anger then eventually peace and mind focus. I have developed control around food, eating less, even enjoyed Pizza, pasta and bread which is usually the worst for me and even now I have maintained weight balance through raw food eating, fresh vegetables, juice with fruit. Now every time I plan my food for the day I balance it with a 3 sessions of 30 minutes intervals of exercise (yoga) that are gently building strength and stamina maintaining small portions of food or just juice or water.
I have found Neel Kulkarni highly educated and well read not just in yoga he reads sanskrit and has the original theory and history of how yoga started with meditation of the mind, it is through this knowledge I have gained control and power over my body which I am most grateful for.
Thank you Neel. I will be back to see you. Lots of love and blessings
Mari Viterbo, Yoga Teacher, Italy
My second Yoga Teacher Training with Neel has been a discovery of Yoga and
myself. Working with Neel is an ongoing investigation, deep and slow. The ancient knowledge of Yoga is updated and adapted to the present times, and to the human being who is practicing Yoga at the given time.
I am grateful to Neel for his vibrant presence on the planet Earth, for his way of being on different floors, for his knowledge and for his love.
And I sincerely thank those who have lived with me deeply this path. An alchemy that, if well prepared, lets you change the perspective of interior vision and life.
Mariangela Viterbo
Luc Waring, Artist, London, U.K.
I started to get interested in yoga a few years ago and was lucky to have stumbled upon a great studio as my first introduction into asana. Since moving to London, in the last year I have struggled to find even one studio or teacher who has really felt totally genuine, combining the asanas with something deeper.
I met Neel by accident during my travels in India and was fascinated by his knowledge of Sanskrit and traditional yoga philosophy and history. I met him again in London when he was visiting and he came to my house and very kindly offered me and my mother a few free classes. They were the most simple poses I had ever done but after doing them for a week the transformation and progression of my body was something I had never experienced before in such a short time. From then I was both hooked and fascinated.
I have just completed Neel's hundred hour teacher training course and am starting to understand the system behind his apparent madness. Neel has not just taught me asanas or techniques but has given me a solid philosophy of how to approach yoga and yoga teaching. The philosophy of Neel's authentic yoga system transcends any particular yoga pose or style of teaching and is a tool I can use to organically understand any pose and teach it from a place of holistic understanding.
During the course Neel has guided me as a person as well as me as a teacher. His commitment to the individual is certainly a major factor that separated his teachings from any other. Neel is a kind and patient man who strives to understand rather than judge, may it be a situation or a person.
I am very honored to have found a teacher like Neel who has such a genuine love and understanding of yoga and teaching. Coming away from the course, even after just two weeks, I feel i have come away with a philosophy which serves as a strong foundation to tackle any pose, class or life event.
Thank you.
Thomas Baldi, Yoga Teacher, Arezzo, Italy
I am very happy to have had the opportunity to do, for now, the training of 200 hours with Neel Kulkarni. His courses are interesting and unconventional, we understand immediately that Neel is a particular person, very intelligent and his knowledge of the subject is not common. Neel is able to convey the true essence of yoga but helping the student to exhibit the practical and philosophical tradition within the contemporary everyday.
I highly recommend this training to all student of yoga who want to get in touch with traditional knowledge and who are interested in integrating it all inside, both as practitioner and as teacher.
The first meeting with Neel was a shock! We quickly realize that the case of a person at a higher level. Neel is able to convey his knowledge in a manner unusual for the Western world, it requires commitment and seriousness in the application of its guidelines; follow step by step the student during training and ensure that the tasks assigned individually according to personal needs are completed. It's very challenging, but in the end the results pay off generously; be changed, more focused, more healthy and excited for their work is the least that can happen in training with Neel Kulkarni. Highly recommended to all!
Laura Gallorini, Yoga Teacher, Florence, Italy
The teacher training with Neel Kulkarni is an experience that I recommend to anyone who believes they have a mental flexibility, so as to accept a teaching method that needs total confidence in the teacher. The results come as unexpectedly epiphanies throughout the course. Knowledge of Neel, about every topic is extremely broad. The only drawback is the time limit to be respected.
Personally I feel that every teaching of Neel is advice applicable to every field of life. Referring to the practice of yoga, Neel speaks of discipline, continuity and focus. If we applied these tips every day, in various everyday situations, surely we will see radical changes shocking. Neel provides the tools to create their own individual practice, and their lessons. His teachings are never ends in themselves, they always aim at something broader.
I believe that the course of Neel is a changing experience in deep, if you are ready to accept change.
Michela Miazzini, Italy
Since I met yoga, I had felt that was my way. After attending some classes for years, I decided to become a Yoga teacher. I started this walk with Neel Kulkarni’s Teacher Training program. The training started in a magical place in Tuscany, Italy. Then I followed Neel to India where, under his guidance, I learnt deeper cultural and philosophical aspects of yoga, directly in the original land of Yoga!
It was a deep and fascinating experience. With the Adhiyoga System developed by Neel Kulkarni, I was blown away, but excited at the same time. It is a methodology that "teaches to teach"! In short time, I found myself driving a Yoga class whereas I was feeling I did not have the knowledge to do so. This, to me, has served to discover and bring out my potential. This training gave me the confidence to proceed on my intended path.
Neel, thank you for this fantastic experience, of training and life.
January, 2015 Michela Miazzini India
Sandra Lopez Cabrera, Uruguay, South America
In December 2014, I felt an overwhelming need to visit India to do Yoga Teacher Trainning. I wrote to some Yoga Schools, stating that I knew very little English. I received immediate response from Neel, which was translated into Spanish by his student, and contained all the necessary information. He asked me not to worry as he would arrange his other students from Europe to translate English into Spanish for me.
I was inquiring at other schools, and nowhere I was offered such opportunity. We decided the dates of training and Neel also arranged accommodation for me. The training was not easy! But it was very effective! It expected much discipline, allowing focus on Yoga. I do not think I would have learned everything I did, otherwise.
The methodology is extremely good, which makes you learn through experience, feel every exercise from within, and repeat things many times. Now, I realize that is the only way to teach properly!
I had many moments of frustration, due to language, missing my family, demanding routine, much homework, practice-practice-practice, and apprehension due to not knowing the language fluently. Sometimes, I had feeling of having missed some things, especially philosophy of yoga. But I think it was only a feeling. I learned that one learns to perfection what one wants to learn, nothing else.
Practical classes with Neel’s friends were extremely useful. Every day, I was noticing an improvement. This is the only way to achieve security and confidence in teaching. I had lots of teaching practice and opportunity.
To understand more about the culture of India, we visited many temples. At the moment I arrived in India, Neel took me first to a temple at 6 a.m. which I felt like a welcoming ceremony! He showed me many temples with a wide variety. He also took me to cultural programs such as music and Vedic ceremonies.
If we set a goal, there is nothing to limit the achievement, language was not a barrier, only the mind can create obstacles. This seems to be a beginning of a great journey.
As Neel says in his book (Adhiyoga © – Authentic Yoga System of Neel Kulkarni), AYS practice gives us the way to get good health, physical, mental and spiritual necessary to reach the individual goal of the person who practices it.
I had the opportunity to meet wonderful people, mingle with them without feeling outsider, but live as one of them, and this was really rewarding.
Thanks to Neel for sharing such experience, for being so patient, and for having me in this blessed country of such wonderful people.
Sandra Edith Lopez Cabrera (Urguay) Pune, February 2015.
Isaura Maglio, Italy
I came to know Neel Kulkarni, thanks to a close friend of mine who met him once in Italy. I started talking to him on the facebook, about my trip to india and my Yoga path. He was really kind and nice to share with me the all information I needed. At that time I had already booked my Yoga Teacher Training Course in a different place in India so I was planning to go and visit him only for some yoga classes. Once I was in india, after my TTC, I started having a feeling that I wasn't ready enough to teach yoga, and something was missing during my study. I decided to contact Neel to share my feeling with him and go to meet him and try some his yoga classes. I wasn't meant to do a second TTC, but once I met him, a voice inside me told me this man is not an ordinary yoga teacher, this person can give me the preparation I need to feel complete. I decided to take the 50 hours TTC according to my plans and money. Together we prepared our classes and the main topics I wanted to study deeply.
He was so good to organize, in a short period, the whole schedule and put together different things and aspects of the Yoga world.
Studying his Authentic Yoga System was a new discovery every day. Every single page of his book gave to me a more clear and deep understanding of Yoga path. With his method, I learnt I how to listen to my body, how to watch my body from inside, how to focus my mind and be in the present moment. Every day was so challenging and exciting. His strong personality, his determination and love for yoga gave to me a different point of view about many aspects of Yoga. His Yoga system includes: old ways of teaching yoga, traditional yoga, a huge knowledge about different fields, a personal study and experience inside himself and outside, a constant research and work to improve his method day by day. His yoga system already includes many different yoga styles to give the entirety that a yoga student needs. He believes strongly in his students, he tries to understand his students and their goals to help them to reach what they want in their life and be happy. During the TTC he was giving me so much good advice about my studying and teaching in a direct and honest way that today I can say I feel more confident and strong to carry on creating something beautiful around me. I really feel blessed and grateful to have met Neel during my journey. "Strenght and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle". In Neel words this was a "wonderfuuuuuuul" experience!
Ishwaraa :)
Passione Yoga, Sanse Polcro, Italy
Neel Kulkarni's Adhiyoga has enriched my life two ways, first as a student and second as a teacher.
As owner of an Italian Yoga School, I organized two teacher trainings by Neel Kulkarni. Both trainings were very successful. After the training, all students attending the classes are now teaching too. In addition, yoga teachers who attended, like me, have improved our skills and are very happy with the results of the training. One characteristic of his courses that I really appreciated was the small size of the groups (maximum number students 10). Every one was guided in a very personal and unique way; everyone could grow according to their capacity and abilities.
I highly recommend this training to all the Yoga Institutes who want to take their Yoga to a new level that includes traditional Yoga as well as scientific, systematic, and an all inclusive approach applicable to the traditional and new age students. Adhiyoga - The Authentic Yoga System of Neel Kulkarni, is truly a great advancement in the field of teaching and study of Yoga!
Shanti Brancolini Date: July 2014.
Students from Italy
I feel, on this course we worked very little on feeling and listening the body and on staying into the body (maybe this is called mind in body). Mostly we did physical exercises with the indication of focusing on one's body. I found very interesting the search for one's limitations with the purpose of overcoming them.
I was fascinated by the vast knowledge of the philosophy and the history of Yoga, but also intrigued by his ease and neutrality towards religions.
I also appreciated his particular way of teaching, full of good humored personal irony. Mattia
My experience with this Authentic Yoga Teacher Training holiday has been very very good. As an experienced Pilates teacher, of over 20yrs as well as other movement's methods and physical therapy, I had a lot of confirmations from Neel's experience. I'm very happy about it and also about a lot of interesting new points of view I was able to come in contact with. However, the most important thing for me is to keep focusing on oneself, respecting one's own limitations and gradually try to overcome them. Trust in your creativity and smile with both your face and your mind!!!
But first of all, thank you Neel!!! Giorgio.
I appreciated very much Neel's course. His approach is clear and direct. I think that I have had a lot of new ideas. It wasn't just a memorization of a series of body and mind exercises. It was a way to understand in a practical way what Yoga can be: not only a philosophy, but also a method to better understand ourselves, to improve and try to reach self realization. The work with body and mind is the first step for a deeper work. Everybody in their life has their own time. Take that time to better understand what the real needs are, this is a great time. This was my first time. I feel well, more energetic, focused on finding my time to practice and teaching yoga. It will be useful for me and for others.
Monica. ********
This Yoga Teacher Training has been one the best things ever. It has been a great professional and personal self-growth experience. Neel was able to convey his method that brings to a continuous listening of oneself, focalizing on one's goals, understanding one's own limitations and bringing out one's abilities. It's been a great gift to be able to live in contact with such a fantastic Indian teacher: I've been inspired from him and I thank him for the trust that he placed in me.
Michela. ********
I feel really joyful about this experience. Every single time someone is going to live through an experience, certainly he has expectations. Today I know that the course, the people I met at the Alpe della Luna, my teacher Neel, they all gave me more than I ever could have imagined or expected. I'm happy! The days were busy, sometimes tiring, but with a balanced pace, and most of all peaceful. Even though we all worked hard, I feel completely reborn, for some aspects even reset.
This could be a new beginning. In Love anything is possible.
Laura D’Amore, Yoga Teacher, Turino, Italy
I think the best thing of this training was meeting Neel. First of all because, he is Indian and has a very very deep knowledge of Yoga. And, he is able to share that passion. But, he also lived many years in America and Europe, so he knows the Western culture. He is an Aerospace Engineer with a strong logic, but he is also happy to teach Yoga. In Adhiyoga, you feel very welcome. No one forces you telling what to do from the top. We felt very welcome and we did not feel judged. Thanks to this Yoga system. It was a human experience in the first place, and a very deep Yoga experience. Thanks to Neel.
Date: July, 2013 Laura D’Amore
Fonte Madhurya, Alpe Della Luna, Italy.
A fantastic experience, with an extraordinary teacher, comprehensive and accurate in every aspect of the discipline of yoga: from more complex exercises, more subtle philosophical aspects; from the recitation of mantras to teaching techniques "step by step". Fantastic fellow students: serious, generous and sympathetic. Happy face!!!
Date: July, 2013
Fonte Madhurya
Stef Latanowski, London, Pedeatric Physiotherapist
From the moment I made contact with Neel to inquire about carrying out my further 300 Yoga Alliance RYT hours to complete my full 500, I knew that I had been blessed with the opportunity to learn something special. Neel’s genuine care and compassion for his students was clear from the start with full attention given to find out exactly what my interests were so that the goals of my training could be formulated appropriately. As a
pediatric physiotherapist I hoped to get as much experience as I could in yoga for children, disability and general therapy. My hopes were fulfilled far beyond than I could have imagined. Neel made continual efforts to organize as many learning opportunities for me as possible including teaching at a number of schools for children of all ages, for special needs children and for deaf and dumb children. With the emphasis of Neel’s teaching always based around actual practical teaching as opposed to just theory and demonstration it allowed me to grow in my ability and in my confidence at a very fast rate. Neel has developed a number of fantastic teaching concepts, which has really made my approach far more effective, however alongside this he has also helped and encouraged me to nurture the development of my own independent style. Neel teaches through example and his commitment to living a healthy, fulfilling and happy life drastically changed the way I now think about so many of life’s important principles. Not only did my knowledge on the true meaning and essence of yoga develop but during this journey I also learnt and found out so much about myself that has allowed me to maintain a strong focus on my life goals and how I am going to achieve them. It is Neel’s ability to be not only a great teacher but also a great friend that I will always remember. His continual efforts towards ensuring optimum health and happiness for me is one of the many things that I will be forever grateful to him. I now look forward to sharing all that I have learnt and telling Neel of all my progress as it is so obvious that the development of his students is what interests him most and inspires him to continue what he does so commendably. Thank you Neel from the bottom of my heart for giving me the opportunity to study under your tuition. I can only encourage any others that may be looking for an authentic, thorough, practical and most importantly spiritual teaching on yoga to do the same.
Stef Latanowski, London ( Pedeatric Physiotherapist
London, U.K.
18 December 2013
Stef Latanowski
Udaykumar thevar, Mumbai, India
While learning from Neel sir, it was a great experience; every time I visited for the class in pune and while coming back to Mumbai, I can feel that positive energy and focused mindset in me, which reflected in my outlook towards life and yoga, eventhough I was tired in the process of travelling from Mumbai!
There was N number of unresolved questions in regards to yoga, thanks to Neel sir I got a lot of answers in a right way, thus leading to confidence in the subject of yoga.
The most likeable part of his course is he makes you know different style/school of yoga, which other school may not include in their course.
AYS made me a good yoga student in terms approaching your own practice and how to handle a given class as a teacher.
His course approach is to give according to the students’ goal and level.
He not only helps students in terms of his yoga studies, he understands the students’ background, their culture, and guides them in life too, which is lacking in many institutes. Will be continuing doing more workshops/course in the future.
For students who are dedicated and interested in learning yoga as a whole, he is the right person.
Wished he was in Mumbai...!, best wishes to Neel sir on his future ventures. Udaykumar thevar, Mumbai, India
18 December 2013
Udaykumar Thevar
Sayali Joshi, Sydney, Australia
I had been doing yoga for a decade before I realized that was to be my path henceforth. I wanted to train with someone who could provide me with an in-depth knowledge of yoga asanas and pranayama, and what is beyond them, something that I only had a vague idea about.
Neel Kulkarni not only provided me with an excellent training of the former, the topics I was familiar with, but he gave me access to yoga philosophy and chanting through his teaching, something that books and CDs can not replicate.
Through his teacher training, the unformed questions in my mind became clear and precise, and I was fortunate to find their answers too, which clearly defines my path ahead, that of imbibing that philosophy personally and teaching yoga to others.
Neel Sir has a very unique teaching methodology, but it is extremely effective. I would like to thank him for showing me the way.
Additionally, I would like to note the points I made when I observed Neel's classes as a part of my teacher training:
1 Structure of the classes is well defined and it flows well
2 communication with students is effective and all problems queries are addressed
3 the exercises are adapted to the level of the class and are introduced with steps which lead to the final pose which gives a sense of achievement
4 emphasis is more on the exercises and its benefits than on the names of poses
5 very unique way of noting the points of the pose makes student aware of his own body and they do it
6 the pose in the class is perfected at whatever stage possible
7 concepts core to teaching method like observe from inside are integrated with the exercises
8 prayer said to start and end
It was a great learning experience to do these classes. Sayali Josh, Sydney Australia
28 November 2012
Final Report: I have been practicing yoga as a student for more than a decade. I have been a dancer and dance instructor for half of that time. I have naturally been drawn to teaching yoga and found the opportunity to do my Yoga Teacher Training with Mr. Neel Kulkarni using the Authentic Yoga System of Neel Kulkarni ®
I was looking at strenthening and technically correcting my own yoga practice which I have been able to achieve through the Authentic Yoga System approach.
Through this course, I have had a chance to interact with and teach a groups that were varied in age, fitness levels and life styles. These experiences have been helpful to understanding of the teaching methodology.
This course has enriched my understanding of yoga philosophy and yoga science enabling me to understand the definition of yoga beyond the asanas.
Observing different classes taught by Neel Kulkarni has brought home the importance of following various core concepts of yoga and this entire course will definitely shape my journey as a yoga teacher.
I look forward to spreading the joy of yoga.
Truely Yours
Sayali Joshi, Sydney, Australia 29 November 2012
Sayali Joshi
Savita Pawar
I have just completed my teacher training RYT200 in Pune with Neel Kulkarni Sir.I am very lucky to have found both, a flexible schedule and a valued knowledge. Yoga philosophy is basic to the students who aspires to make yoga a part of their life. Neel is very good yoga philosophy teacher. He uses Pantanjali and many other ancient and current thinkers' interpretation of yoga philosophy. As part of my teacher training , I used to write daily log for my Yoga practice and Neel Sir used to check that very seriously.This practice proved very useful to me and I will continue this further also.Only suggestion I would like to make is Neel Sir should create reference material for certain important yogaposes with all his concepts included in that. Thank you.
Savita Pawar July 21, 2012
Savita Pawar
Vanessa Bodley, Madison, WI, USA
I just completed my teacher training in Pune with Neel Kulkarni, his teaching style is very unique, authentic and is based solely on the needs and ability of the individual. My own practice has progressed tremendously while studying with Neel due to understanding of his concepts, his innovative way of using his surroundings to teach and the building of each posture. While immersed in the Indian culture I was able to meet Sanskrit and Vedic scholars which helped enhance my knowledge and understanding of yoga philosophy. Yoga is a life long practice that requires discipline and patiences, with Neel's teachings and guidance I have more confidence within myself to pass this knowledge to others and to further explore the path of yoga. Neel has a wonderful personality and is a genuine teacher, I am unable to thank him enough for this life altering experience.
Vanessa Bodley Madison, WI USA
Vanessa Bodley
Melanie Savia, Virginia Commonwealth University, U.S.A.
April 14, 2012
I have recently completed Neel Kulkarni’s teacher training course and would suggest this program to any serious yoga student. I began teacher training via Skype from Virginia, U.S.A. whereas Neel was teaching from his Yoga School in Pune, India. As an university student, I am very lucky to have found both, a flexible schedule and a valued knowledge. I quickly made use of Neel’s Yoga philosophy inside and outside my yoga exercise. As time passed the spectrum of yoga subjects broadened and I found myself swimming in learned yoga concepts and deeper curiosity. This curiosity led me to the purchase of
three week long journey to India over my winter holidays. Such a fortunate opportunity has given me a glimpse of the deep rooted culture in India, that has hidden inside its carved temples and disguised in flawless Sanskrit script. Neel introduced me to many sincere yoga students from all over the world and filled my mornings and evenings with classes to teach. Neel has graced me with an irreplaceable experience that words can not accurately convey. I am proud to continue my path in yoga coming from a system that has upheld even the “authenticity” of its name.
Melanie Savia
Virginia Commonwealth University, U.S.A. January, 2012
Melanie Savia
Chinmayee Pai, Cummins Engineering College, Pune, India
I recently did teacher training with neel kulkarni . Oh wait... let me tell you my story. I was doing my yoga practices since 5 years. But I always felt a need for an experienced yoga teacher. I met Neel in Pune. That time, I wanted to join general group classes. But as I started gaining interest in yoga, he suggested me to consider the teachers training . At first I dint get it, ”why need of teacher training so early?”. But as the teacher training started, I started getting an understanding of the concepts of Neel’s Authentic Yoga System. He taught me to get into deepness of the pose, observing from inside, and a lot more. I would never have understood the importance of yoga philosophy if it weren’t for Neel. Teacher training was a wonderful experience that included learning yoga concepts, giving classes and visiting historical places that are important from yogic point of view. I must say that Neel’s style of teacher training is very unique. Anyone who is interested and sincere can do this training. Its not like if you do headstand then you are good student. It depends on one’s seriousness and ability to pick up more and more from the yoga study. Well, I wish him all the best (and may he breathe well J )
Chinmayee Pai
Cummins Engineering College, Pune, India January, 2012
Chinmayee Pai
Darshana Deshpande
My name is Darshana. I belong to Pune city in india. I started my teachers training with Neel in July2011. As i started learning from him, I realised his style of teaching was unique. He never forced anything upon a student. His teaching included concept pattern. Every concept has been explained considering its involvement in yoga exercises. I benefited a lot from his teaching. I taught some yoga classes during & after my trainin,g & got good feedback from all the students. Iiam still improving myself through his tips & by attending his classes whenever i get time. i wish him all the very best for his work in yoga & may every student get kind & friendly teacher like him.
Darshana Deshpande Pune, India
January 2012
Darshana Deshpande
Raghu Ram Ala
I have benifitted greatly from the yoga classes that I have taken from Neel in terms of improving my emotional stability and health. After that experience, I decided to go for Neel's Teacher Training so that I can understand the concepts of Yoga exercises more in depth. Neel's Teacher Training gave me insight into the concepts that are used in his Yoga exercise classes. They have also provided me more insight into how to pursue spiritual goal following path of Yoga. Now, after completing my Teacher Training with him I am still learning, but the difference is I feel I am more equipped with the knowledge and understanding that I got from the Teacher Training course. Also before I end this, I would like to mention one important thing about Neel and his expertise with dealing with people who have injuries and providing them with Yoga exercises to recover, I am an example of this myself I have been getting special routine to help with my cervical spine problem and I am amazed by his understanding of different muscles and nerves and his ability to give routine that would help with dealing with my problem. I am still continuing his routines regularly and would surely recommend his classes to anyone I know. Thanks to Neel
for helping me and I feel very lucky to be his student.
Regards, Raghu Ram Ala
Raghu Ram Ala
Ildiko (from Hungary)
Dear Neel,
Thank you for everything!
I think Neel is a great person. His teaching skills are interesting and unique. First I thought that he lacks the capability of giving his knowledge to others. Then I started to realize that his goal is not to give out his knowledge - it's impossible. You have to learn and get the experience by yourself. Through regular practice and watching yourself, you will get all the skills of teaching. You cannot learn that from books. His concepts are valuable. I especially like the way of teaching the poses in stages. It's very useful for inexperienced yoga practitioners and also for the advanced students to get into the final position gradually; preparing the parts of your body by focusing on all the points. Otherwise, I still think that the practical side of the training is lacking, that is too short. I could benefit from his deep understanding of Yoga that he has gained during his life. I wish his teacher training had been longer. I'm grateful for everything that I got out from his training and I will definitely always keep his concepts in mind and try to improve.
Ildiko (from Hungary) 2008 Teacher Trainee
Authentic Yoga Teacher Training Evaluation
Authentic Yoga Teacher Training Evaluation May 22, 2007
I am a recent graduate of the Authentic Yoga Teacher Training Program with Neel Kulkarni. I am a licensed Special Education & Early Childhood Teacher. I have taken various trainings on teaching yoga to children. Over the years, I felt I felt that something was lacking in my training. I wasn’t quite sure what that was until I took the Authentic Yoga Teacher Training. There is a plethora of teacher training programs available for yogis & yoginis to obtain a teaching certificate. After careful thought and consideration, I had decided I wanted to learn from a teacher that grew up practicing from childhood and studied yoga as an ancient science from the eastern perspective. When I found Neel Kulkarni and the Authentic Yoga, I knew this program would be the most suited for my needs. Neel’s training is composed of standards that must be covered in any yoga teaching program; however, he tailors the program to meet the goals and needs of his students. A teacher considering this program can request topics of interest in addition to the key concepts that are required to further personalize the training. I was initially apprehensive because of his non-traditional approach. Many higher education curriculums and yoga curriculums are predetermined by the instructor. In the Authentic Yoga School, the Teacher Training program deviates from the standard way of learning when Neel takes the students’ background and experiences into consideration and includes them in developing the syllabus for the training. The training will still have standards that must be met to be a qualified yoga instructor but you have the option of personalizing it to your own teaching and practice by being given the opportunity to make decisions about what you would like to learn. If you like to have input into your learning, this approach will meet your needs.
In the Authentic Yoga Teacher Training, Neel teaches yoga from a classical perspective. Based on his experience and years of study, Neel has developed a program to teach yoga to people of all abilities and backgrounds. Authentic Yoga’s teaching concepts emphasize the importance of setting goals and matching the goals to your yoga practice. Neel’s book, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Proper Chanting and Translation and Yoga Philosophy DVDs were key components of my teacher training. As a teacher in training, I learned yoga from a historical and classical perspective. Neel’s knowledge of Yoga Philosophy enabled me to develop an in depth understanding of the purpose of yoga and how I could apply it to my life and daily practice. In addition to yoga philosophy, Neel instructs students in chanting to help a humble student of yoga contemplate the meaning of the Yoga Sutras.
Another key component of the teacher training was meditation from a classical perspective and how to incorporate meditation into our yoga practice. Yoga is not simply defined as doing asanas. Its greater purpose is to unite ourselves with our highest nature. Through Authentic Yoga’s teaching concepts, an individual is able to begin a path to find their deepest potential through experiential self-study. Having taken Neel’s training, workshops, and yoga classes both as a participant and observer, I strongly believe his approach will help all individuals find a path of yoga towards peace and self- awareness.
Asanas as done from the Authentic Yoga style is approached very differently than what is presented in most studios and gyms. Asanas are taught from daily student practice and experience. A script to instruct a student in a pose is not provided to teachers nor are anatomy and physiology taught in detail. What is emphasized is how to break the pose step by step to prepare students for a pose. In addition to seeing the poses in parts, Neel teaches how the pose feels from within both with the mind and as a skeleton. His method of demonstrating step by step procedure and giving options for students of all levels allows students to find perfection of a pose from within not as it appears on the outside. Many individuals are apprehensive of doing yoga because they believe they can’t look like the individual on the cover of yoga magazine or book. I have personally observed students of all ages, abilities, and health backgrounds in Neel’s class are able to participate actively and benefit from this approach. Authentic Yoga emphasizes teaching
the teacher in training how to teach a pose by demonstrating and becoming aware of key points thereby allowing the students to learn through experience not verbal directions of where the knees or hands should be in a given pose.
As a student, I have more confidence and am able to notice differences in my yoga practice. As a children’s yoga teacher, I have incorporated the Authentic Yoga concepts of teaching yoga into my class. As a result of integrating Authentic Yoga’s approach with other children’s yoga programs, I have notice my students are able to find center and maintain stillness in a pose by watching from within. Integrating specific concepts of Authentic Yoga allowed young children and preteens learn how to develop focus and concentration. I plan to continue incorporating the Authentic Yoga Program into my children’s yoga curriculum to find a balance of keeping yoga fun and teaching self-care & self- awareness.
I highly recommend Authentic Yoga’s Teacher Training Program. Although this certification program is not registered with Yoga Alliance, the Authentic Yoga program meets the 200 hours RYS standards in the following categories: Teaching Trainings & Practice, Teaching Methodology, Yoga Philosophy & Lifestyle and Practicum. I was proud to earn an Authentic Yoga Certification and am confident as teacher and individual knowing that I learned yoga and how to teach it from a classical context.
I feel fortunate for having met Neel Kulkarni and having the opportunity to be trained by him. Both his knowledge and experience have enabled him to systematize classical yoga for today’s world. I not only benefited from as a teacher and individual but my family has reaped the benefits of my decision to train with Neel. Now, my husband uses yoga to compliment his stressful management job as well as improve his flexibility to enhance his weight training program. I have two boys, 12 & 8 who have admire Neel’s strength in performing challenging yoga poses. Although they only see the physical aspect of yoga, Neel is teaching them to watch from inside and to find moments of stillness and focus with the mind during their yoga practice. My 3 year old daughter has imitated me doing yoga and is now chanting as a result of my practice. Our Sundays have now become Family Yoga time. It is wonderful that through my training, I was able to obtain more than a certificate. Neel Kulkarni & Authentic Yoga will now be a part of not only my life and teaching but my family’s as well.
Om ShantiH.
Vasanthi Srinivasan
Bridge to Learning –
Children’s Yoga & Fitness Programs
M.Ed. Special Education/ Curriculum & Instruction
Vasanthi Srinivasan
Eileen Kragie
Hello Neel,
Having just completed the most recent teacher training for certification, Fall 2006, in your Authentic Yoga School program, I would like to tell you that this has been one of the most educational and enlightening experiences I have had while taking a training program and studying. As the training went by, I discovered how much of my past study and learning can be applied to this teaching and I learned things that I could not have anticipated at the outset. As I read from a previous participant's comments, it teaches you how to teach. My experience has borne this out. By providing the concepts, both yoga practice concepts and teaching concepts, you learn how to teach yourself and thus to teach others. The individualized attention that you give during the program is much appreciated
and met my needs and interests while opening up new areas for me. Your patience, flexibility and willingness to help is also very much appreciated.
Developing a home practice is an integral and extremely important part of this course over the 14 weeks. This is where the concepts are taken from the classroom and put into action and where you discover for yourself how to answer your own questions. Neel, as he does in his other work, books and workshops, challenges you to think for yourself and to develop your own style and interpretation through the concepts he teaches. He is an extraordinary instructor and finding someone so steeped in yogic philosophy and culture, not to mention Sanscrit and chanting, here in the Washington DC area is a untapped treasure.
I highly recommend Neel's Authentic Yoga teacher training to anyone interested in developing their yoga practice, whether they are planning to teach or not. I can't wait to take another one. Thank you. Warmest wishes,
Eileen Kragie
Hello Neel,
Having just completed the most recent teacher training for certification, Fall 2006, in your Authentic Yoga School program, I would like to tell you that this has been one of the most educational and enlightening experiences I have had while taking a training program and studying. As the training went by, I discovered how much of my past study and learning can be applied to this teaching and I learned things that I could not have anticipated at the outset. As I read from a previous participant's comments, it teaches you how to teach. My experience has borne this out. By providing the concepts, both yoga practice concepts and teaching concepts, you learn how to teach yourself and thus to teach others. The individualized attention that you give during the program is much appreciated and met my needs and interests while opening up new areas for me. Your patience, flexibility and willingness to help is also very much appreciated.
Developing a home practice is an integral and extremely important part of this course over the 14 weeks. This is where the concepts are taken from the classroom and put into action and where you discover for yourself how to answer your own questions. Neel, as he does in his other work, books and workshops, challenges you to think for yourself and to develop your own style and interpretation through the concepts he teaches. He is an extraordinary instructor and finding someone so steeped in yogic philosophy and culture, not to mention Sanscrit and chanting, here in the Washington DC area is a untapped treasure.
I highly recommend Neel's Authentic Yoga teacher training to anyone interested in developing their yoga practice, whether they are planning to teach or not. I can't wait to take another one. Thank you. Warmest wishes,
Eileen Eileen
Khrystyn Martinez - Teacher Training Class, Fall 2006, Virginia
I have attended many yoga classes over the years due to my back injury and to help relax myself. I have been looking for different ways and yoga style, but I can't seem to find the right one for me. After Carla told me about you, I decided to attend one of your
classes and from the first hour, I felt such a difference in myself. It was the first time that I have been so in tuned with myself and felt such peace that I was very emotional on my way home after that.
It was that night, that I have found the right way for me and joining your Teacher Training Class in Fall of 2006 was the start of a new outlook for me. I joined with the intention of teaching myself. Your way of teaching me was very personal and specific to my needs. You take the time to learn each one of us and teach us what is right for our own needs, not what everyone else's idea of what yoga is. With your methods, I have learned about myself and what I can do today and accept what I can't and practice on it. Not only do you focus on the body, but the mind as well which is the most important thing that I have learned from you. What I learned in your Teacher Training goes beyond the asanas, that is just the poses that we do, but true yoga is what you do after you leave the class.
Your teaching is what I try and use in my daily application of my life, for yoga is not just about the poses. After the Teacher Training, I just wanted to practise it for myself and it has changed my life in ways that I cannot thank you enough.
Now, I try and teach people the way I understood it from you. I know that people will interpret it their own way and that is one the great things I have learned from you. Yoga is your own. I have shared what I can in my teachings here in Europe. I teach only once a week, for the rest, I try and learn more. I can never learn enough and as I continue my journey, I will always try and live the yogi way for I have found peace from your teaching. I only wish that I could have spent more time with you and your teachings. Maybe in the future, in the meantime, I would like to thank you for changing my life for the better and I only hope that I can impart some of that to others.
Anyone who wishes to join your class, may it be for themselves or to teach others are very blessed. I cannot recommend and thank you enough. All my family and friends have heard about you and are very thankful for the teachings you have given me. I tell my students about you and they extend their gratitude.
Khrystyn Martinez- Teacher Training Class, Fall 2006, Virginia
Khrystyn Martinez
Carolyn Flitcroft
Update from previous TT: Neel is such a wonderful Yoga teacher! He has a wealth of knowledge that extends far beyond the Yoga Asanas. I’ve learned so much from him about Chanting, Yoga Philosophy and living a true yogic lifestyle. There are very few teachers in the US with this kind of knowledge. Plus, Neel and his wife are wonderful people and I truly enjoy their friendship. I feel like part of their Yoga family. Namaste!
I completed the Authentic Yoga Teacher Training program this year. It was great--I highly recommend it. The class size was small and I got a lot of individual attention, which enabled me to focus on my areas of interest and to really improve on my weak/inexperienced areas in teaching. After completing the training, I felt pretty confident to teach on my own (I think everyone is a bit self conscious and unsure in the beginning, no matter what). Neel gave me an opportunity to substitute teach some classes at a local gym, which was invaluable experience. Plus, after that, I got other offers from another Yoga teacher to sub for some of her classes. So, if anyone is concerned whether this system is endorsed by Yoga Alliance or not, I can attest that you can teach Yoga as a professional Yoga teacher with a certification through Neel's Authentic Yoga system.
Carolyn Flitcroft, 12/29/2006
Carolyn Flitcroft
Dr. Sue Ann Lewine, Stress Reduction Specialist ad Doctor of
Chiropractic, Virginia, USA
When Neel told me his teacher training was 14 classes, I was intrigued. There are thousands of asanas. How could he teach me every one, and how to teach them all in just 14 weeks? It's impossible.
I learned so much more. From the first class, I knew I was in the right place. By teaching me the concepts for teaching in the Authentic Yoga System, Neel taught me a simple and effective method to teach what I already know. I realized that my whole life became the teacher training.
Thank you, Neel.
Dr. Sue Ann Lewine, Stress Reduction Specialist ad Doctor of Chiropractic, Virginia, USA 01 /20/2006
Dr. Sue Ann Lewine
Allegra Gulino
"Neel is an outstanding yoga teacher and Sanskrit scholar. He takes his work very seriously and can address the huge spectrum of student needs in Yoga classes. Also, he can discuss and explain classic Yoga scriptures and philosophies, as well as share how to chant them properly. Neel is nothing but integrity, inside and out and I'm proud to have studied with him and count him as my friend."
Allegra Gulino, AYS200, RYT200, North Carlolinas, U.S.A. 04/17/2013
Neel is a wonderful, gifted teacher with an unbelievable wealth of knowledge of classical yoga scripture and a familial lineage to back him up. I just ate up every moment of the training. He solidly demonstrated how and why his methodology and philosophy is superior. He has taken me out of my comfort zone and opened new doors for my thinking, praciticing and teaching yoga. At the same time he has made me feel absolutely safe to ask whatever questions I have and has an organic approach to addressing topics which I appreciated. All this and his lovely personality and welcoming attitude too. Neel is tip top!
Allegra Gulino, RYT, Arlington, Virginia and Yoga Teacher at American University, Washtington, DC
Allegra Gulino
Elsie T. Neely
Neel Kulkarni created a style of yoga called Authentic Yoga System (R). He had a fortune of studying with B. K. S. Iyangar, who was his teacher as well as next door neighbor. One of the personal touches he incorporated into his training included the following: happy face, soft neck, mouth closed. As I teach my classes and use Neel's concepts, I realize that the 3 points he stressed allow me to know if a student is straining, or forcing their body to complete an asana, beyond their capacity.
Another thing Neel stressed was, leave your ego at the door. I have realized the significance of this idea as I train. Students often see someone who is able to perform an asana in a superior manner and they want to equal that effort, which is dangerous. Many of my students have had negative experiences in various yoga classes, because they attempted to maximize an asana, which caused pain and muscle damage. I know when a student is not completing an asana at their comfort level, as they have excessively rapid breathing, trembling, their neck is taut, and often they breathe with their mouths open. As I observe my students, and notice they are attempting to perform beyond their capacity, I often meet with them to discuss the importance of performing asanas at a level that is sufficiently challenging, and reassure them that with time and steady effort, they will almost perfect a pose.
He taught me to read my students, and to evaluate them to reasonably judge their capacity. Neel stressed that perfection of a pose is most challenging and seldom are we able to truly perfect a pose, as there are so many finite elements involved in doing so.
Because of Neel's training, I am a confident yoga teacher. I know that I should read and research as a standard requirement. Neel provided me with resource material from his library that has helped me continue my yoga education, and serves as a guide for my classes. I know that I am blessed to have had the opportunity to be trained by a classic yoga teacher such as Neel.
Dear Neel,
I just returned from a cruise to Panama, Costa Rico, and Belize. I heard your phone message, but was not available. during the cruise, I provided a yoga lecture to the Tuskegee Veterinarian Medical Alumni Association. It was successful. Many of the attendees are now inspired to join a yoga class. Thanks to you, I have been given the training, and resources to feel comfortable presenting information based on my knowledge. I constantly read the books you have given me, and have purchased additional books to continue my yoga education. I am eternally thankful to Iliana for telling me about your yoga teacher training class.
I hope to come to one of your classes between now and the end of December. Additionally, I will be inviting you to a yoga party at my house between now and the end of December.
I am Elsie T. Neely, a yoga student and teacher trained by Neel Kulkarni, the following is my testimonial about Neel Kulkarni as a yoga instructor:
Classes with Neel were an honor because of his superior knowledge of yoga. He possesses the skill of knowing where to start a student when they first enter his
class. This is an important step, because many new yoga students are freightened or turned-off when they initially start a class because the teacher doesn't
differentiate instruction for each student. When I was a new student, my goal was to learn the yoga headstand, which I had never attempted, and thought was impossible for me. Neel began to train me giving me suggestions to concentrate on as I was attempting the pose. He would add another major suggestion, at each class. I was a diligent student with my home practice, so I eventually learned to do the yoga
headstand. Teaching the headstand is difficult, because their is a potential for serious injury. However, Neel was able to teach me in such a way that I never experienced any difficulty in my efforts to conquer the pose.
Neel uses props with precision. Students are able to assume a variation of a particular pose with the use of props: this allows the student to develop confidence and strength
before removing the props. His instructions are sequential, and direct. His students know they are to constantly seek perfection of the pose with his gentle and patient prodding.
Yoga philosophy is basic to the student who aspires to make yoga a part of their
life. Neel is the consumate yoga philosophy instructor. He uses Pantanjali, Ayangar, and many other ancient and current thinkers interpretation of yoga philosophy. However, his knowledge is so very astute, that he creates yoga aphorisms, and philosophy. As a philosophy teacher, he methodically introduces concepts and ideas in such a way that understanding is facilitated. After each of his presentations of yoga theory, students are encouraged to seek clarification, or futher interpretation. During my classes with him, he has been able to answer all of my questions to my satisfaction.
I am a yoga teacher trained by Neel, and I can say that I feel that he trained me to be a good teacher, because he informed me that I will never know all their is to know about yoga in my lifetime. Consequently, I constantly read material by the ancients and current yoga philosophers. As I read, I learn many new techniques and ideas that help my students and strengthen my teaching skills. If ever I need help with an issue related to yoga, Neel willingly provides the help for as long as it takes for me to grasp the concept (at no charge of course).
The most valuable trait that I observed in Neel is that yoga should not have money as basis. He always has students in his class who will never pay him. As anyone who studies yoga knows, the ancient yogis were never paid, they were provided with food, clothing and other basic needs by their students. My students pay what they can afford, and if they can't pay, they are still allowed to take my classes.
I am very thankful that I have had the opportunity to work with Neel, and I look forward to working with him in the future.
Elsie Neely, Education Specialist, Washington D.C. 04/11/2004
Reflections on your teaching of the advanced teacher training and yoga classes for 2002- 2003:
1. I liked the idea of designing a program to meet each student's needs. It allowed me to clarify issues that were confusing.
2. The size of the class was ideal. I received one on one attention, which allowed me to refine some of my asanas. Your manner of teaching allows a student to know what they need to work on to approach perfection of a pose. Additionally, following your advice about doing the asana first, as close to perfection as possible, the teachers are capable of before teaching it. When you concentrate on the poses you can better tell your students points to work on so that they can do the poses with ease.
3. I liked the detailed explanations you gave about yoga theory, the asanas and what they mean and how they benefit parts of the body. You also supplied valuable books that provided in depth knowledge about many aspects of yoga.
4. I disliked the idea that you formed the written exams while we were in the midst of class. I felt it implied that you did not plan well, the exam should have been prepared and handed to us. I feel that professionally such behavior appears that it was a last minute process. If a college professor did such behavior his job would be in jeopardy.
Overall I feel that I am better prepared than most yoga teachers in the USA because of your superior knowledge and understanding of yoga. You trained me to notice and listen to my body, to practice to get perfection, and that you usually never reach perfection yet you still try. I must say that in your class I have done things that I thought were impossible for me, as a result my confidence increased. Physically I am much stronger because of your training, more willing to try what seems to be the most difficult of poses,
and more aware of my posture at all times. Additionally, I feel that there is much more I need to learn from you.
Elsie Neely 05/17/2003
Critique of advanced yoga training: The major goals I sought as I entered the advanced yoga training class were, to learn how to use yoga for specific therapy, and to improve my ability to perfect certain asanas. I did improve my backbends tremendously, and learned about some theraputic applications, but I would like to learn more. I find Neel Kulkarni to be one of the most highly qualified yoga instructors in the area. He is trained in the classical style of yoga, to which he has made personal adaptations to form his personal style of yoga, known as Authentic Yoga. He skillfully uses props, encouragement, and gently applied discipline with his students to make them do things they never thought they could do. My first class with Neel was marked with incredulity at the idea that I could ever succeed in doing certain Asanas. In due course, and with expert guidance, I was able to perform the asanas that I once thought were impossible. The advanced teacher training involved in depth lectures on health, yoga theory and philosophy. The health and nutritrion classes were very informative and enabled me to improve on my vegan diet. I feel that the health and nutritrion information is as vital as completing the asanas. The healthier the body the more prepared it is to do hard work. Yoga theory and philosophy helped to make sense of the entire concept of yoga. Many people take yoga for the physical aspects only; they miss the essence of yoga. Knowing the theory and philosophy has enabled me to concentrate more, to focus on my breathing, and to begin to explore meditation. I am about to take additional yoga teacher training and I expect to compound my knowledge as an instructor. I look forward to my next class and I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn from a master.
Elsie Neely 10/28/02
This is my feedback of the teacher training class: The class was quite comprehensive. I am certain after listening to some of the tapes you could have used more time. That will probably be for advanced or further teacher training. I enjoyed the class and learned so much. It stimulated my brain and activated my body and mind. The lectures were most valuable for me as a teacher and for my personal life. They affirmed much of what I do for well being, and I learned more that I can do. The spiritual goal and mind and body training concepts helped me to improve my poses and meditation. I am reading the book you gave me to gain more insight, since I want to teach yoga. I will seek more training in different forms of yoga so that I will be more informed. On a rating of 1-10 I give the class a 10. You have great command of the material you presented, and you explain concepts in practical terms. I feel that I have had my initial training from a true master. I am very thankful. The only Improvement I have is that it would have good if we stuck to time schedules.
Sincerely, Elsie T. Neely 01/15/02
I will be taking the class on Wednesday. By the way, it is my observation that you are a good teacher. As a trained educator I see you using practices that I teach to school staffs. You are following some practices that are considered vital to the success of students. For each class the students know what material is to be covered. You allow questioning which provides for clarity. You are very patient. The main thing is there is no applied stress. I look forward to the next class.
Elsie T. Neely 11/15/01
Elsie T. Neely
Nilesh Jade, Computer Scientist, Falls Church, Virginia,
Authentic Yoga Teacher Training Feedback - The teacher training was conducted in a true spirit of Yoga.The structure of the training course was good, with a emphasis on a student maintaining the Log for the Home practice.There was also peer to peer review of the yoga classes as well as students conducting the same. The only requirement for teacher training is a strict discipline.
Nilesh Jade, Computer Scientist, Falls Church, Virginia, 02/27/2004
Nilesh Jade
Katherine A. Banfield, RYT
My name is Katie Banfield and I have been studying yoga from Neel for over a year now. I had the good luck of meeting Neel at a point in my practice when I was looking for a teacher who could really offer personal attention and guidance. As a yoga teacher myself and a fairly advanced practitioner of asana, I felt the need for a teacher who understood the science very deeply and could meet me at my level of experience. Neel is not only a great teacher, he is a master practitioner of all aspects of yoga. Just when I think there cant be anymore to uncover, he opens up an immense body of knowledge for me to explore. I have particularly enjoyed the time we have spent together discussing philosophy, chanting, and the culture of India. I feel that I have been blessed to have met such a jewel here in the West. After four trips to India, I was skeptical about finding a competent and authentic teacher outside of Asia, but I have found one here in Virginia. It would take me more than one lifetime to learn the techniques that Neel considers familiar, but I am excited to have begun that process with someone I consider a brother, teacher, spiritual guide and friend.
Katherine A. Banfield, RYT, 2004
Katherine A. Banfield
Julie Shaffer
Authentic Yoga Teacher Training Feedback - Excellent overall understanding of the philosophy and focus of Authentic Yoga. This course is a basic must for serious yoga students in order to comprehend the foundation of authentic "Indian" yogic lifestyle. It will benefit me throughout my life and in all my endeavors.
Julie Shaffer 02/06/2004
Julie Shaffer
Stephanie Schafer, School Teacher
Dear Neel - Merry Christmas to you too!Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the training you gave me - I'm still teaching yoga to elementary school students in Arlington County - retired from my counseling job this summer but have continued with the yoga classes -
Happy New Year - Sincerely,
Stephanie (Stevie) Shaefer 12/20/2017
Aloha Neel - Thank you for keeping me on your list and I would love to come. This past Spring 37 yoga students signed up for my class after school at Barrett Elementary School
(all Pre-K -usually ages 4 - to 3rd grade!) I had to form two classes - they are really growing beautifully. It is very wonderful work - thank you for all your guidance - I still would like to come back for more training when I can afford it!
Namaste and Aloha to you Neel! Stephanie
Thank you for keeping me on your mailing list. Even though I have been asked to teach a class for adults in a private home I haven't done so yet but continue to offer Yoga on Monday afternoons from 3:06-4:00 P.M. for students at my Elementary School! Right now we have 28 mostly primary Yoga students (mostly Kindergarten to 3rd grade and two 5th grade students!) It is becoming more and more relaxing and we are very proud of them. Their favorite greeting to show respect to each other is "Nameste" with prayer position which means to us "The light and goodness and forgiveness in me respects and honors the light and goodness and forgiveness in you". Thank you for your wonderful class which has given me the tools to be able to share Yoga with these little ones! I hope to be able to take an advanced teaching class with you again sometime next year to improve my practice!
Thank you again for all your work. With sincere aloha (it means "I wish you the breath of life") and Nameste,
Stephanie Schafer, School Teacher, Virginia 05/23/2006
Dear Neel - Thank you for thinking of me. I hope all is going well. I just wanted to let you know that I am honored to still be able to teach and Yoga class for primary aged children at the elementary school where I work as a school counselor. This semester we have 24 preschool (age 4) through 3rd graders in the class. At the beginning and end of the class we always greet each person with "Nameste" which to us means "the goodness and light and forgiveness in me respects and honors the goodness and light and forgiveness in you." We also remind each other that "each person is very special because they are the only one of them in the entire universe!," and that "we are all teachers and learners." One class I had to come late so one of our 3rd graders taught the class and did a great job! Thanks to the great training I received from you Neel I know that I have a lot to share with them! I still plan to take your advanced teachers class sometime in the future! Please keep me on your mailing list - God Bless You! Sincerely, Stephanie Shaefer
Dear Neel - Congratulations on all the new class, center, etc. I hope to be able to attend in the near future. Just wanted to let you know that last year I was able to facilitate a yoga class at our school for elementary school children - we had 3 Kindergarteners, one 1st grader, one 2nd grader, two 3rd graders, and two 5th graders - we started out with many moments of relaxation and by the end of the semester the entire class was relaxing - their favorite thing to do was to offer "Nameste" at beginning and end of class to each person - we translated it as "the goodness and light of God in me, salutes and honors the goodness and light of God in you!" Oftentimes their teachers would ask these students to demonstrate and teach others in their classes about yoga - I hear that they oftentimes demonstrated the tree pose and told about Nameste and what it means! This yoga class will also be offered again as part of my counseling program at Barrett Elementary School in Arlington Virginia. Thank you Neel for helping me to have the courage to share what I have learned! Nameste to you! Sincerely, Stephanie
As a graduate of Neel's Basic Authentic Yoga Teacher Training, I highly recommend any of Neel's classes on Yoga. He is an excellent teacher, concerned and supportive of each
of his students. With his guidance, he helped me improve in so many ways. He also provides an important holistic approach supporting physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth in his students as well as the opportunity to learn about and participate in the Indian cultural events at his Yoga Studio. Thank you Neel!
Stephanie Schafer
Iliana Quander, Dancer, Artist, Philosophy Major, Washington, DC
Neel Kulkarni is a gift to those people who are interested in the history, philosophy and practice of Classical Yoga. His 'Health and Yoga System' has an unbelieveably sound foundation based on years of study and personal experience. It is both unique and innovative. His knowledge of both classical and contemporary texts and methods is extensive and he shows true scholarship in the sense that he remains well-informed about the different styles, methods and approaches to yoga. No matter the level of experience, Neel is able to help his students put their yoga learning experience into the correct context based on goals they set for themselves. Goals may be as simple as losing 5 pounds or more involved such as the study of Sanskrit and Chanting as it relates to Hatha Yoga. In an environment where there is an increasing amount of interest and talk of Yoga and equally, vast misunderstandings and/or misconceptions about it based on either lack of information or inability to put it into context, Neel remains firm in teaching Yoga based on it's original intentions but as they apply to our present-day lives. Neel's strength as a teacher is his practicality. Although he is aware of and very much rooted in theory, he is able (sometimes incredibly humorously) to show us how we can, most effectively, apply these theories to our lives. I've studied a little bit of everything with Neel in the past year and a half or so. I began with Sanskrit and Chanting and, later, added the Hatha Yoga classes as well as his Teacher Training, several Philosophy classes and two Meditation classes. Accomplishments that I can speak of are: I am able to chant an entire prayer in Sanskrit as well as recognize many words, my understanding of the history and purpose of Yoga has increased, my understanding of my own body and all of it's finer points has sharpened and, as a result, my poses, especially my Headstand, have improved. I dance as well and I have found that the combination of Yoga and Dance is a good one that has allowed for better ease of movement and, indirectly, clarity of thought. 'Authentic yoga' is truly a good name for Neel's style. It is unique in it's approach but also, graspable, practical and truly, truly 'wholistic'.
Iliana Quander, Dancer, Artist, Philosophy Major, Washington, DC
Iliana Quander
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